International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Invention <p><strong>International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Invention </strong></p> <p>Welcome to the International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Invention (IJSSHI), a peer-reviewed, open access publication that seeks to disseminate high-quality research and development work in the field of social sciences and humanities. The journal provides a platform for researchers, academics, professionals, and students to share their latest findings, ideas, and insights on a wide range of topics, including anthropology, sociology, psychology, philosophy, history, linguistics, and cultural studies.</p> <p>At IJSSHI, we believe that social sciences and humanities play a critical role in shaping our understanding of the world and human behavior. We are dedicated to fostering interdisciplinary collaboration and promoting the exchange of knowledge and ideas across diverse disciplines and cultures. Our aim is to publish cutting-edge research that addresses important questions, challenges traditional perspectives, and advances the fields of social sciences and humanities</p> <p><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">.</span></p> Valley International Journals en-US International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Invention 2349-2031 On Re-Constructing the National Identity <p>The process of constructing a national identity goes through a set of formulas that suggest a particular given definition based on different belongings and perspectives. Deciding on a definition of a nation reveals the extent to which definitions are perceived as suggestive, but not finite endings. The present article debates the national identity construction and discusses the broader sources of approaching national belonging. The article’s objectives target a review of the distinction between the factual and mythical formulation of the concept. It also decodes the basics which a national identity is constructed upon. In light of the postmodern theoretical background, the article examines and reintroduces the conceptualisation of a nation taking into consideration the systematic process over which the nation has ended up being approached similarly. Structurally, the article, first, dissects the primordial pillars of proving a nation’s existence. Consecutively, it scrutinises the foundational dependances in drawing the bottom lines throughout the national construction. The article’s concluding debates on broaching the minorities' re-articulation of the national identity. The paper results in the incredibility of the defining process which imposes certain criteria to confine given notions. It also closes with a suggestion to reframe the national correspondence that leaves room for minor representations to articulate their positions in an attempt to build up a national identity.</p> Brahim ABOUYASSINE Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Invention 2024-06-09 2024-06-09 11 6 8161 8171 10.18535/ijsshi/v11i06.01 Children's Sociodramatic Play: The Imaginative Level and its Narrative Quality <p>The study examined children's sociodramatic play, hypothesizing that higher imaginal play object-use leads to higher level of play narratives' structure and communication. Two steps were performed to examine this hypothesis: (a) an intervention method in situations other than play; and (b) correlating the level of imaginative objects use in sociodramatic play, and the level of its narrative, measuring two aspects: (1) The quality of the play’s narrative: Its structure, its complexity, and the level of its sophistication; and (2) the level of interactive communication used to construct the narrative. The research examined natural sociodramatic play situations in 16 kindergartens with children of different SES (socio-economic status) backgrounds. Four experimental and 4 control groups of each of two SES levels were sampled. The results indicated that the level of the imaginative object use performance over time, impressively improved in all experimental groups in comparison with the control groups, indicating that the imaginative level of object use was highly correlated with the level of the play narrative and communication. This was found in plays with more complex components and higher structure of the narratives, and more effective communication, in the experimental as compared to control groups, in both low- and medium-SES background. The latter's standard of play was superior as compared to the former, and the gap between groups expanded over time. The results of the study point to the important role of imagination in pretense play narratives and strengthens the potency of narrative theory approach in explaining children’s fantasy in play. </p> Rivka Glaubman Hananyah Glaubman Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Invention 2024-06-10 2024-06-10 11 6 8172 8187 10.18535/ijsshi/v11i06.02 Style as the Man Itself: Focus on Language Strategy in Five Selected Nigerian Dramas <p>Style as the Man Itself: Focus on Language Strategy in Five Selected Nigerian Dramas’ namely Charles Okwelume’s <em>Babel of Voices</em>, <em>Diet of Violence</em>, Toni Duruaku’s <em>Cash Price</em>, Femi Osofisan’s <em>Midnight Blackout</em> and Wole Soyinka’s <em>The Beatification of Area Boy</em>. It also examines the playwrights’ emerging trends on the stylistic peculiarities of the selected texts. The impacts focus on the linguistic tongue of these three major ethnic tribes in Nigeria (Igbo, Hausa and Yoruba) as reflected in the playwrights’ choice of words or diction. The findings review the relevance of exposing audience to other native languages/dialects of the peoples of Nigeria. These x-ray prospects and challenges of these ethnic languages/dialects not going into extinction as envisaged. The research method leans on literary works to interpret these dramas while Stylistic approach is deployed to unraveled the intent of these works built in theoretical framework that are subjected to empiricism, criticism and writers’ lenses to the society where these texts originate meant to communicate these topical issues that are controversial.</p> Ikechukwu Christian Nnaji Chike Benedict Okoye Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Invention 2024-06-17 2024-06-17 11 6 8188 8192 10.18535/ijsshi/v11i06.03 Migration and Culture Shock: Neo-Cultural Praxis and Mathe-Logic Reformations in Selected Texts <p>The study examines ‘Migration and Culture Shock: Neo-Cultural Praxis and Mathe-logic Reformations in <em>Babel of Voices</em>, <em>Tinuke’s Last Dance</em>. It also reviews various feelings and excruciating experiences of the people. This provides a discursive analysis of society and constant need to x-ray those aspects of cultural trends that are problematic. The research is library oriented. Psychological and historical approaches are used in the study as theoretical framework to achieve greater result concerning issues raised in this study and writer’s lenses through the society. In a nutshell, the findings of this research highlights those social problems to draw attention of the audience on various aspects of acculturated behaviours vis-à-vis education that may have touched the playwright to initiate discourse in the guise of critiquing these anomalous situations for highlighted reforms. <em>Babel of Voices</em> situates Charles Okwelume as the likely person who will advance or take Ola Rotimi’s banner in creativity. It also attempts to look at the society to inform audience on the relevance of exposing these abnormal practices and challenges that are inimical to culture and progressive society. These necessitate trends, prospects and challenges of Nigerian culture in this twenty-first century.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> Ikechukwu Christian Nnaji Chike Benedict Okoye Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Invention 2024-06-17 2024-06-17 11 6 8193 8200 10.18535/ijsshi/v11i06.04 Women, Marriage and Betrayal of Trust in Selected Nigerian Dramas <p>The paper explores ‘Women, Marriage, and Betrayal of Trust in Selected texts’ namely Wole Soyinka’s <em>The Beatification of Area Boy, </em>Femi Osofisan’s<em> The Midnight Blackout</em> and Toni Duruaku’s<em> Cash Price’.</em> It also explores the contemporary problems besieging women and their spouses. This provides a discursive analysis of dangers of betrayal of trust by both partners which also destroy the marital bliss of democratic marriage institution in Nigeria. The research methodology leans on internet, books, journals on relevant scholars and literary authors relating to similar issues raised by the playwrights to support the paper. It is the works of the same authorities on various topics related to the concerns of these four playwrights that shall be used to strengthen my observations and findings in this paper. Psychological and historical criticisms are deployed to unravel the issues raised in these creative works as reflected in the society. The findings lean on social greed, impatience, lust for mundane things also the relevance of informing the society on the plethora of stigma of divorces looming visibly on infidelity or abnormality. These necessitate prospects and challenges of marriage institution in 21st century and the need of reforming these anomalous cultural trends problematical in Nigerian society.</p> Ikechukwu Christian Nnaji Chike Benedict Okoye Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Invention 2024-06-17 2024-06-17 11 6 8201 8207 10.18535/ijsshi/v11i06.05 Reviewing the Adequacy of Zambia’s Legal Framework for Local Authorities Revenue Mobilization <p>An increase in sources of local authority’s revenue in both developed and developing countries has compelled governments to develop policies and laws aimed at guiding local authorities in revenue mobilization. The Zambian government, to be specific, has over the years developed quite many laws for this venture. In addition to the constitutional provision, other pieces of legislation guiding local authorities’ revenue mobilization in Zambia include; the Public Finance Management Act, No. 1 of 2018, Local Government Act, No. 2 of 2019, the Property Transfer Tax (Amendment) Act, 2019, Market and Bus Station Act. No.7 of 2007, the Valuation Surveyors Act, the Rating Act No. 21 of 2018, and the Personal Levy Act of 1996. This paper explores the adequacy of Zambia’s Legal Framework for Local Authorities Revenue Mobilization. The respondents were purposively sampled from the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Local Government, the Decentralization Secretariat, and the Local Authorities. Moreover, the various sources of local authorities’ revenue and pieces of legislation are discussed. Zambia has an adequate legal framework guiding local authority revenue mobilization. It is for this reason that local authorities are encouraged to adhere to the legal framework at all costs if they are to effectively generate revenue and play an effective role in enhancing development.</p> Richard Sililo Royson M. Mukwena Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Invention 2024-06-19 2024-06-19 11 6 8208 8216 10.18535/ijsshi/v11i06.06