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The Level of Integration among Students at Secondary School: A Study in Limbang, Sarawak
Student diversity is a challenge in forming a united society that can understand the values and norms of each individual. The aim of this study is to assess the level of integration among secondary school students in Limbang, Sarawak. National identity was formed through building unity and integration among students. Therefore, this study is very important to see the level of integration of the students based on their behavior inside and outside of the school. Among the aspects to be examined to identify the level of integration is based on four dimensions of unity which is accommodation, acculturation, assimilation, amalgamation and the differences in mean level of integration based on ethnic demographic factors and the stream of primary education of the students. A total of 180 students were selected as respondents from three schools in Limbang, Sarawak. A set of questionnaire was used to measure the level of student integration. The results showed no significant differences of integration level of the students based on four dimensions of unity, and ethnicity and the stream of primary education of the students. However, the level of integration of the students are at a high level and most of the students tend to integrate through amalgamation dimension. Based on the overall mean, it shows that the highest mean score is dimension of amalgamation. In conclusion, fostering unity and integration should be focused in the practice of students in school or outside of school. For example, social integration practices in co-curricular and association activity. Through this practice, students will be able to understand more about the value of unity and integration so it can build national identity in students