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Character Education through Good Harmony Activities in School
National character education has been a main need for Indonesians, various methods have been attempted to build and strengthen national character, mainly students‟ character, and particularly elementary students‟ character as character building during elementary stage has to be implanted for a well-set character. The process of students‟ character building in elementary school is a responsibility of all school elements, especially teachers, school principal and education staff. The result shows the school has attempted to implement character building through good harmony activities in school. The good harmony activities are applied through pre-learning activities, learning process, co- and extracurricular, and also break and free time. Those activities are conformable to experts‟ notion such as Koetjaraningrat (1978) with indigenization in education, Purkey (1990) with good harmony activities in every piece of education and Budimansyah (2012) with strengthening character through student‟s various activities.