Title: " A Case Control Study Of Aggressive Behaviour in stable patients of Schizophrenia who have improved on treatment and in normal individuals at a tertiary care centre-Government Medical College Surat." Aims: To know the prevalence, type and severity of aggressive behaviour, in stable patients of Schizophrenia and Normal, To compare it between them and to study the association of aggressive behaviour with patient’s disability and functioning. Methods and Material: Total 60 cases of Schizophrenia and 60 controls were taken by non probability purposive convenient sampling by matching age and sex. PANSS , semi structured questionnaire based on overt aggression scale, (GAF) and (IDEAS) were used. Results: Severe verbal and physical aggression were not at all seen in both groups. More the negative symptoms, less the expression of verbal aggression. Patients with more verbal aggression were prone to show more physical aggression. Patients with history of hospital admission due to aggressive behavior and history of ECT showed more Verbal and Phy sical Aggression against others. Prevalence of both Verbal and Physical Aggression in Control was more than in patients. Conclusion : Stable patients of schizophrenia are not more aggressive than normal population."Patients with Schizophrenia are always aggressive" is a myth.