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Step 1 – Author should be registered and submit the complete manuscript in .doc or .docx format. 
Step 2 – Manuscript submitted by registered author will be checked by Managing editor (may be rejected if not full filling the standard research criteria).
Step 3 – Submitted Manuscript will be assigned a manuscript number.
Step 4 – Peer review process will be started and manuscript will be send to two reviewers (manuscript may be rejected if reviewer comments are indicating the poor research quality).
Step 5 – Author/s will receive the manuscript with reviewer’s comment/s.
Step 6 – Author/s has to submit the revised manuscript to managing editor and manuscript checked by managing editor and one of the reviewers (may be rejected if not satisfying the reviewer’s queries).
Step 7 – Revised Manuscript will be accepted for publication.
Step 8 – Author/s should submit the manuscript handling/processing fee 
Step 9 – Galley proof will be formed for the author/s approval and it will be send back to author/s.
Step 10 – Manuscript typesetting and final editing process will be started based on the author/s feedback.
Step 11 – Manuscript will be published after the final approval from the author/s.