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Coastal Rural Community Economic Development As a Poverty Reduction Efforts
Research is based on the phenomenon of the low construction going on in the regions coastal villages primarily in the field of economic development. This study was conducted to determine the low economy of coastal rural communities when natural resources coastal very abundant. By using qualitative and phenomenological approach obtained findings of the poor economy of this coastal village communities. The cause of the low economy of which the public is less able to capture the business opportunities that exist. Expected the participation of government concretely in the handling as well as their economic empowerment. Solution that can be taken is the revamping of public policy related to the development of coastal villages. Development and empowerment of their economies should be done immediately. Another thing that can be done by the government is the optimization of religious tourism and beach tourism there.
- Coastal villages and small islands are a reality whose existence reflects the continuing imbalance in the implementation of development when compared to mainland areas in general. Therefore, the socio-economic policies associated with coastal communities need to be reorganized and geared to the welfare of Indonesian people, especially coastal communities while maintaining the sustainability of resources so that the socio-economic activities of coastal communities can be accelerated and conducted in a sustainable manner.Coastal villages and small islands are a reality whose existence reflects the continuing imbalance in the implementation of development when compared to mainland areas in general. Therefore, the socio-economic policies associated with coastal communities need to be reorganized and geared to the welfare of Indonesian people, especially coastal communities while maintaining the sustainability of resources so that the socio-economic activities of coastal communities can be accelerated and conducted in a sustainable manner.
- In connection with the above, there are many things that must be done to the national development. Moreover, the mandate of national development as stated in the law 6/2014, should the village development and construction of coastal villages not only on physical development, but this development must be thoroughly both physical and non-physical. Looking at the phenomenon that is that a majority of the coastal village of fishermen, farmers and other unskilled laborers and still live in poverty. From these conditions the researchers suggested, to liberate them from poverty and improve their economies should their sustainable economic empowerment.In connection with the above, there are many things that must be done to the national development. Moreover, the mandate of national development as stated in the law 6/2014, should the village development and construction of coastal villages not only on physical development, but this development must be thoroughly both physical and non-physical. Looking at the phenomenon that is that a majority of the coastal village of fishermen, farmers and other unskilled laborers and still live in poverty. From these conditions the researchers suggested, to liberate them from poverty and improve their economies should their sustainable economic empowerment.
However, the coastal village society empowerment can not be separated from their local wisdom generically. Therefore, in order to empower rural communities of coastal communities, the social and cultural institutions should be a major foothold. Community development and empowerment will not be accepted by the people of the coastal village well when never pay attention to the social aspects of local culture.
Welfare is mandated by the constitution, 1945. Welfare is basically the responsibility of the government. But until now the government has not been able to evenly for the welfare of the people. This is because of many problems in the nation's
economy after the 1998 reform to date.
But actually, the government to seek with various forms to reduce poverty. It will promote the welfare of the nation even though the results are still not perfect. Therefore the economy is organized as a joint effort based on the principle of kinship. Meanwhile, the economy is built based on economic democracy for the sake of prosperity for everyone.
- Looking at the phenomenon that occurs above, needs to be done in depth study on the issue: "The low economy of coastal rural communities when natural resources are very abundant coastal areas".Looking at the phenomenon that occurs above, needs to be done in depth study on the issue: "The low economy of coastal rural communities when natural resources are very abundant coastal areas".
Economy and poverty are two links are always in touch. Low levels of an economics of a society they lead to high levels of poverty. Therefore, it needs continuous hard work to overcome them. This cooperation should be carried out by the government, society at large and to the extent possible from the private sector is expected to work together in this regard.
However, the problems of poverty simply can not be resolved easily, because poverty is a multidimensional issue covering various aspects of life, not only includes the economic, but also social and cultural side.
The number of rural poor due to lack of infrastructure support, as well as the problem of limited access to residents of the transportation facilities and infrastructure, health, and education. Geographical conditions greatly affect the level of their economy. Poverty.
Poverty can be defined as a situation where there is an inability to meet basic needs such as food, clothing, shelter, and water. It is very closely linked to the quality of life. Bappenas ( 2004) defines poverty as a condition where a person or group of people, men, and women, unable to meet their basic rights to maintain and develop a dignified life. The basic rights of rural communities, among others, the requirement for food, health, education, employment, housing, clean water, land, natural resources and the environment, a safety of treatment or the threat of violence and the right to participate in social-political life, both women and men.Chambers ( 1998) poverty is an integrated concept that has five dimensions, namely: poverty, powerlessness, vulnerability deal with emergency situations, dependence, and Alienation both geographically and sociologically.
When considered as obviously many factors that cause the poverty of fishing communities. In addition to internal factors also to external factors. Kusnadi ( 2003), distinguishes the causes of poverty in the two groups of fishermen fishing poverty both internally and externally fishermen poverty.
Kusnadi ( 2003) also explained that the poverty of fishermen which is internal, include: ( 1) limitations of fishing quality human resources; ( 2) the limited ability of venture capital and capture technology; ( 3) working relationships within the organization arrests are often less favorable labor; ( 4) difficulties to diversify fishing effort; ( 5) a high dependence on the occupation of fishing; and ( 6) were deemed wasteful lifestyle, so it is less oriented to the future.
- Coastal Village Community Economic Empowerment in Poverty Alleviation Coastal Village Community Economic Empowerment in Poverty Alleviation
To tackle poverty in Indonesia need to know what factors are affecting the high and low levels of poverty so that the future can be formulated an effective public policy to reduce poverty. In addition, the existence of alternative policies and strategies that favor the poor become an absolute necessity to overcome poverty.
Additionally alternative strategies and policies addressing poverty rural communities including coastal villages can be done by providing ample opportunity for the public to obtain education and adequate health care. It also strengthens the executive and legislative commitment to improving governance structure and promote regional development agenda prioritizing poverty eradication as the main priorities. Policies and programs that favor the poor should focus on the real economy and should use paradigm partiality to the poor.
To obtain a clear answer as expected, this study used qualitative methods and supported by phenomenology. The phenomenological approach is qualitative research tradition that is rooted in philosophy and psychology and focuses on the human experience (sociology). With the phenomenological method is expected to eventually get a concrete picture of the development of these coastal villages and see community participation in every process of development.
Nindito ( 2005) that were critical phenomenology can be interpreted broadly as a philosophical movement, in general, provide an emancipatory effect in implication to social research methods. The effect of which puts the respondents as the subjects become social actors in our daily lives.
The model of data analysis using the theory of Mc Nabb ( 2002) the following:
As one of the buttresses district of Surabaya and has industrial and warehousing area is large enough and large, Sidoarjo regency has long pledged themselves to improve the economy of the community in an effort to reduce poverty across the region. Poverty is one of the main problems and urged that must be overcome.
Synergistically and systematically reduce poverty should be done so that all citizens are able to enjoy the fruits of development and a dignified life. Therefore, the synergy of all stakeholders and interests, as well as the broader community participation, is required.
The strategy is being implemented with various poverty reduction programs. Activities are undertaken by governments, businesses, and communities to improve the welfare of the poor through social assistance, community empowerment, economic empowerment of micro and small enterprises, as well as other programs in order to increase economic activity.
However, in the implementation of the program and even then it looks like the government has yet to involve the participation of the public at large that all program stiffened by this government right on target and in accordance with desired. Therefore, in the future should the government to involve the participation of the community at large. In addition to a program that can be done right on target, with the participation of the community is expected to be a control in the implementation of the program.
- Meanwhile, in order to accelerate development in Sidoarjo an effort to improve the economy of coastal communities, the village people groups in 2013 actually Sidoarjo regency government has issued Regulation No. 57/2013 On Sidoarjo Regent Detailed Plan Strategic Masterplan for Coastal Zone Sidorjo district.Meanwhile, in order to accelerate development in Sidoarjo an effort to improve the economy of coastal communities, the village people groups in 2013 actually Sidoarjo regency government has issued Regulation No. 57/2013 On Sidoarjo Regent Detailed Plan Strategic Masterplan for Coastal Zone Sidorjo district.
The decree has been explained clearly and in detail where the coastal area with its natural resources are important for economic development and ecosystems, due to the coastal area is an area of biological and nonbiological resources are very productive.
Therefore, it needs to be maintained and mobility sustainability of fisheries and the marine and coastal tourism to preserve and maintain the quality of the carrying capacity of the coastal environment. The decree is actually an opportunity for the Department of Tourism to develop the Marine and Coastal Tourism which will the new jobs made possible the economic level of the community to be increased.
Sidoarjo regency proved to have a huge opportunity if he wanted to develop marine tourism and coastal tourism and religious tourism. The coastal area is owned by Sidoarjo and very spacious and beautiful. As the interest of the Coast, the Gulf Permisan and Tomb Dewi Sekardadu are located very close together and has a charm and a very beautiful natural view.
Therefore, in the future should really be done properly so that the two areas could travel forward in order to boost the economy of the coastal village communities. When fully developed will be their new revenue for the government as well as creating jobs for the local population in the main public area of this coastal village. Therefore takes the seriousness jointly between government, local communities and other parties in the management of this tourism.
However, in the coastal tourism sector is the real lack of management to the fullest. Yet if this is really managed well then the result will be perceived by the general public and especially the Sidoarjo regency coastal villages, as it will open new jobs.
- Low-income levels and a number of expenditures made coastal communities increasingly locked in a poverty. Work erratic with mediocre results that sometimes makes a problem for them because of the needs of every day must always be met.Low-income levels and a number of expenditures made coastal communities increasingly locked in a poverty. Work erratic with mediocre results that sometimes makes a problem for them because of the needs of every day must always be met.
Faced with the problems that eventually the coastal village communities are trying to make another attempt. Such as raising fish and shrimp, making fish crackers and crackers with a minimum investment. In addition, there is small percentage of people who opened the shop of household needs as well as food stalls with very little capital. All was done in order to meet their needs and their families.
- Despite the fact that people often borrow in the shop or in other terms "dig a hole close the hole." From this appeared clearly a culture of lack of good happening on an ongoing basis. Due to this culture will make them increasingly shackled in poverty prolonged. The income they get is always uncertain, but the system will borrow they always do. Likely will be the exploitation of their children.Despite the fact that people often borrow in the shop or in other terms "dig a hole close the hole." From this appeared clearly a culture of lack of good happening on an ongoing basis. Due to this culture will make them increasingly shackled in poverty prolonged. The income they get is always uncertain, but the system will borrow they always do. Likely will be the exploitation of their children.
However, not all rural communities are only counting on help from the government. As one example of a new effort on the part of society to create a fish pond of tarpaulin in front of his house. This is done because of the income levels of their ponds erratic.
By relying on the results of the responses fish in the sea and along the river The interest often decline. Plus high fuel expenses and the cost of purchasing diesel or petrol used for fishing by boat, while the result of the fish often degenerated.
Therefore, making it innovate with other businesses in order to meet the needs of family life. To meet these needs then most people make a fish pond semi-permanent canvas front yard of their home. The pools were to maintain catfish and shrimp in the hope the results can be used to shore up their economies.
- Meanwhile, from field observations indeed the villagers have not been able to open new business opportunities from the sea and either fish ponds and shrimp but only to make crackers that are still less than the maximum. It all actually due to their lack of knowledge and lack of guidance from the government.Meanwhile, from field observations indeed the villagers have not been able to open new business opportunities from the sea and either fish ponds and shrimp but only to make crackers that are still less than the maximum. It all actually due to their lack of knowledge and lack of guidance from the government.
There needs to coach to improve their economy. Whether it is done by the government or from the private sector who have a mutual desire to improve the economy of this coastal village communities. It turned out that the role of government in fostering entrepreneurship to the coastal village community is still lacking. This happens due to geographic factors that are very difficult to reach Of the various problems of the above, it is clear that the government is still lacking in empowering the community. Mainly against their efforts in order to get maximum results in order to improve their economy. Meanwhile, the government also failed to give an insight to the community in terms of marketing the home business that is done by people of coastal villages.
- Low levels of their economies due to lack of entrepreneurial guidance of the government. It turned out that only the government to provide financial assistance in the form of assistance the Family Hope Program without any entrepreneurial coaching. Actually, aid was used to make the effort can certainly improve their economy.Low levels of their economies due to lack of entrepreneurial guidance of the government. It turned out that only the government to provide financial assistance in the form of assistance the Family Hope Program without any entrepreneurial coaching. Actually, aid was used to make the effort can certainly improve their economy.
The existence of a system error committed by the government to just give up without ever giving the user a solution. Because it has become a habit when people get help, then the pattern of their lives will improve. Their purchasing power is going up a moment without thinking about the next life. This is the weakness of the communities in this coastal village.
From the results of field observations of their low education levels also affect the economy. Since the first coastal village communities only work as traditional fishermen and peasants ponds, always assume that education has not become an important requirement.
The level of education is an indicator of the quality of Human Resources. Because of the indicators of the level of education is what makes the people categorized as poor or not poor. Because most of them are less educated, are believed to have low productivity as well. Meanwhile, with low productivity will affect the low level of their income. Low levels of revenue and income as one of the characteristics of the population underprivileged or poor.
- In the meantime communities coastal villages have thought that work as fishermen and workers as farmers and tenants pond does not require extensive education high, people always assume that as a fisherman and workers as farmers and cultivators pond is menial jobs which are more reliant on muscle power is not brains and experience instead of thinking, then, however, high their education will not be devastating for their abilities.In the meantime communities coastal villages have thought that work as fishermen and workers as farmers and tenants pond does not require extensive education high, people always assume that as a fisherman and workers as farmers and cultivators pond is menial jobs which are more reliant on muscle power is not brains and experience instead of thinking, then, however, high their education will not be devastating for their abilities.
Next will come to the new issue of the low level of education they receive. The education of their children is very low will affect children when they are looking for work. So to be able to increase their income is very difficult.
- Due to the low level of education they have or even just graduated from elementary school, it will be difficult for them to vote or obtain another job besides being fishermen and workers on the farm. From this can be believed that the lack of education of coastal communities even this is an effect on the level of their economy. And finally here will be the incidence of poverty is hereditary.Due to the low level of education they have or even just graduated from elementary school, it will be difficult for them to vote or obtain another job besides being fishermen and workers on the farm. From this can be believed that the lack of education of coastal communities even this is an effect on the level of their economy. And finally here will be the incidence of poverty is hereditary.
- Cultural conditions and their habit also affect the level of their economy. Low levels of the economy and the likelihood of poverty experienced by the people of the coastal villages is caused by the lack of proper lifestyle of the coastal village community itself.Cultural conditions and their habit also affect the level of their economy. Low levels of the economy and the likelihood of poverty experienced by the people of the coastal villages is caused by the lack of proper lifestyle of the coastal village community itself.
As the phenomenon of community celebration, a celebration of capital usually used the loan from neighbors who are more capable. But the reality behind the results obtained only a maximum of 50% of the cost that is used. It is customary for generations and is considered for a harmony. The above phenomenon is what makes them increasingly living in poverty. While it is a tradition for generations is difficult to remove.
- In addition to a wide range of issues above, many coastal village communities these fishermen. But the habit is wrong it is sometimes done by the fishermen. At the time went out to sea for fishing sometimes using the borrowing costs of the fish collectors. The hope catches can later be sold to collectors at a cut off their loans.In addition to a wide range of issues above, many coastal village communities these fishermen. But the habit is wrong it is sometimes done by the fishermen. At the time went out to sea for fishing sometimes using the borrowing costs of the fish collectors. The hope catches can later be sold to collectors at a cut off their loans.
However, the way when fishermen were getting results then the They will come home with money left catch. But if to catch his fish were few and degenerate, then certainly too close the loan becomes less, and thus their debts to the collectors will be much more. Therefore, they certainly will be ensnared by debts to the collectors of these fish.
The same thing is done by the farmers tilling pond. When they started working on the pond, sowing seeds of a fish give him food until the harvesting process, sometimes they also use the loan funds. When the results are good enough then they will get maximum results. But when otherwise they surely would have suffered many losses.
This is also less unthinkable by this community. Seeing this phenomenon should their development efforts submit their lending them capital to start a business with a highly flexible retrieval system. If this can happen then it is certain they will not be in an indebtedness.
- Meanwhile, their wives do not have any other skills. Having conducted field observations, due to their inability to low levels of education and little experience and lack of empowerment of the government on entrepreneurship. Whereas the manufacture of processed foods can later be marketed until out of the village or even out of the area.Meanwhile, their wives do not have any other skills. Having conducted field observations, due to their inability to low levels of education and little experience and lack of empowerment of the government on entrepreneurship. Whereas the manufacture of processed foods can later be marketed until out of the village or even out of the area.
However, in reality, the community has not been able to capture this opportunity. Being the result of it all can be used to shore up their economies. This is what actually requires serious attention. Lack of awareness of the public or just laziness them alone so this opportunity was never captured by them.
- It is necessary to foster entrepreneurship in government and the private sector to become their companion including through the marketing process. And whenever possible their capital fund that they can do to start a business with a more convenient payment system. If this happens it is believed that their economy levels will increase.It is necessary to foster entrepreneurship in government and the private sector to become their companion including through the marketing process. And whenever possible their capital fund that they can do to start a business with a more convenient payment system. If this happens it is believed that their economy levels will increase.
But accountability is all to be managed as a group, not individually. Due to the number of events in several regions around the community that the loan money is sourced from government funds many are not refundable. To avoid it then you should have done the loan capital and the responsible person in the group is the group's chairman. It is possible to condition becomes more secure with one person in charge of finance. Because habits occur in the field that if the loan is above named individual then the chances are very difficult to repay their loans.
- Meanwhile, in addition to a variety of problems above, there are other things that are less neglected in this village that is the farm goat lack of guidance from the Department of Animal Husbandry. There are nearly two thousand goats were bred in the village Sawohan is owned by about 36 people belonging to groups goat breeders "Oro-Oro". And the cages was used as a place amid the aquaculture area. In addition to farmers who constitute "Oro-Oro", there are still many other breeders are people who do not fall into this group. The number of cages goats are in the area around the farms and villages of society, proving that the presence of more than two thousand goats on this farm.Meanwhile, in addition to a variety of problems above, there are other things that are less neglected in this village that is the farm goat lack of guidance from the Department of Animal Husbandry. There are nearly two thousand goats were bred in the village Sawohan is owned by about 36 people belonging to groups goat breeders "Oro-Oro". And the cages was used as a place amid the aquaculture area. In addition to farmers who constitute "Oro-Oro", there are still many other breeders are people who do not fall into this group. The number of cages goats are in the area around the farms and villages of society, proving that the presence of more than two thousand goats on this farm.
While the owner of the goat farm is only following the tradition of hereditary ie let livestock out of the cage in the morning and return late afternoon. By relying only upon eating grass on the embankment ponds and without ever giving the other nutrients that these goats become more healthy. Meanwhile, usually veterinary checks are usually carried out by the Department of Animal Husbandry five months, and even then if requested by groups of farmers.
These farmers actually have a goat farm business group, but still maintained a traditional farm yet. This group is only as a communication medium and not at the level of farm business management is to make it better and more advanced. If managed well and modern, this farm will be possible to get maximum results and certainly can sustain their economies. Because the waste a single day if collected nearly 2-3 quintals. Therefore, when it is cared for properly, it is possible will be a goat farm centers sizable this area.
For that, it is necessary efforts and assisted farmers and given guidance by the government to the fullest to create a new innovation in the management of this farm. In addition, at least their joint efforts in the management of this farm up at the level of the marketing of goats is in a great management.
From this farm when developed will open up new business opportunities as well as veterinary services and animal sacrifices aqiqoh. This can be done in groups in this village or just as a provider of animals. This is where the course will open up new employment opportunities for the community.
- In addition to the household sector through industry, fisheries, and livestock, this area is very suitable for the development of tourism sector. By making Permisan bay and mangrove forests around it and eat Dewi Sekardadu sites become tourist destinations and religious tourism beaches are nice, it is expected that the additional income for the people of this coastal village Sawohan interest of the village people groups.In addition to the household sector through industry, fisheries, and livestock, this area is very suitable for the development of tourism sector. By making Permisan bay and mangrove forests around it and eat Dewi Sekardadu sites become tourist destinations and religious tourism beaches are nice, it is expected that the additional income for the people of this coastal village Sawohan interest of the village people groups.
From observations in the field, actually, has a lot of people from outside the area who visited the grave site of this Sekardadu Goddess. Especially if Sundays and holidays a lot of pilgrims who come to this place. Especially during the Islamic holidays, such as ahead of Ramadan, the month of Rabiul Awal, worshippers at the tomb of Goddess Sekardadu sites more and more. However, until now both this attraction is not managed well, even less so neglected mangrove forests.
- Coastal Village Community Economic Empowerment Coastal Village Community Economic Empowerment
From the above findings, the government has actually been providing assistance to the people of this coastal village in order to improve their welfare. But it appears not exactly on the desired goals. While the core problems faced by the people particularly the cracker makers, namely the lack of the proper role of government in order to improve their economy. Because the truth is not only soft capital loans are to be expected, but at the level of its development should be carried out to the fullest.
- In addition, people are less able to capture new business opportunities from the fish and shrimp. Actually, the less fish sold in the market can they process into other forms that will be easier to sell and certainly the price is can be more expensive. But should their primary formation of the Office of Food Security and the Department of Cooperatives UMKM and BPMPKB. Including the formation of the Department of Industry and Trade provide guidance to this home-based business. The point is to provide understanding to the public in the manufacture of processed foods seafood and fish ponds as well as bulb, bulb shrimp, tempura, and other foods are worth selling, and not just focus on making crackers alone.In addition, people are less able to capture new business opportunities from the fish and shrimp. Actually, the less fish sold in the market can they process into other forms that will be easier to sell and certainly the price is can be more expensive. But should their primary formation of the Office of Food Security and the Department of Cooperatives UMKM and BPMPKB. Including the formation of the Department of Industry and Trade provide guidance to this home-based business. The point is to provide understanding to the public in the manufacture of processed foods seafood and fish ponds as well as bulb, bulb shrimp, tempura, and other foods are worth selling, and not just focus on making crackers alone.
- It takes the role of the government to provide guidance to the public to open up new business opportunities of commodity coastal areas. These efforts include the manufacture amalgam of marine fish and shrimp, as well as drying fish nurtured by the Department of Food Security in the hope the results can penetrate modern markets. To be a little effort it takes modern management system and good marketing, it is expected that the village could manage this business in a village-owned enterprise (BUMDes) which serves to accommodate and sell the results of these efforts.It takes the role of the government to provide guidance to the public to open up new business opportunities of commodity coastal areas. These efforts include the manufacture amalgam of marine fish and shrimp, as well as drying fish nurtured by the Department of Food Security in the hope the results can penetrate modern markets. To be a little effort it takes modern management system and good marketing, it is expected that the village could manage this business in a village-owned enterprise (BUMDes) which serves to accommodate and sell the results of these efforts.
- In connection with the efforts already initiated by the community in the form of making crackers and shrimp paste that marketing is not maximized, BUMDes can make new breakthroughs that marketing becomes better. By conducting joint cooperation supermarkets and supermarket there. Great marketing will increase production possible. Thus believed the additional workers would also come from local villagers.In connection with the efforts already initiated by the community in the form of making crackers and shrimp paste that marketing is not maximized, BUMDes can make new breakthroughs that marketing becomes better. By conducting joint cooperation supermarkets and supermarket there. Great marketing will increase production possible. Thus believed the additional workers would also come from local villagers.
The continued development of enterprises managed by the community later this BUMDes could be larger. This is because the income percentage of each sale that occurs cash coming into BUMDes. The continued development of the business is expected to run the stretcher village will be the village Self-sufficiency and also the village Sentra Seafood Industry Processed results. Not only producing crackers and shrimp but also produce dried fish with high competitiveness.
This will happen with the guidance from the government as well as the concerns of stakeholders and active participation of all levels of local society. Also expected help from the private sector who are concerned about the economy of the coastal village communities. This is the basis for this coastal village communities to develop their business becomes larger.
- Issues related to the housing industry and the fisheries sector, the empowerment of goat breeders need to be done by way of fostering more intense from the Department of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Services. And the government donated a large male goat as a breeder. Thus believed they too will be a big farm, livestock animals to be healthy and the result would be increased.Issues related to the housing industry and the fisheries sector, the empowerment of goat breeders need to be done by way of fostering more intense from the Department of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Services. And the government donated a large male goat as a breeder. Thus believed they too will be a big farm, livestock animals to be healthy and the result would be increased.
- Marketing system, in addition, to do individually and groups, also through BUMDes who already have an exit breakthroughs in the field of marketing. Including opening and aqiqoh sacrificial service centers directly managed by BUMDes. From this will certainly open new job opportunities for the people of this coastal village. In addition, farmers who do not belong to the group of farmers that there should soon join, in order to obtain the same farm ministry. With the improvement of people's income coastal villages and their economies improve, then they are released from the shackles of poverty.Marketing system, in addition, to do individually and groups, also through BUMDes who already have an exit breakthroughs in the field of marketing. Including opening and aqiqoh sacrificial service centers directly managed by BUMDes. From this will certainly open new job opportunities for the people of this coastal village. In addition, farmers who do not belong to the group of farmers that there should soon join, in order to obtain the same farm ministry. With the improvement of people's income coastal villages and their economies improve, then they are released from the shackles of poverty.
- Meanwhile, through marine tourism, coastal tourism, and religious tourism is also expected to sustain the economy of the coastal village communities. Therefore, with all three expected to advance the economy of coastal rural communities will increase. Permisan gulf coast marine tourism and religious tourism tomb of Dewi Sekardadu expected to become a tourist destination society at large.Meanwhile, through marine tourism, coastal tourism, and religious tourism is also expected to sustain the economy of the coastal village communities. Therefore, with all three expected to advance the economy of coastal rural communities will increase. Permisan gulf coast marine tourism and religious tourism tomb of Dewi Sekardadu expected to become a tourist destination society at large.
With the completion of the repair and installation of paving and the provision of lighting in the middle area of aquaculture will facilitate travel by motorcycle. For vacationers and pilgrims who used buses and private cars can park their vehicles in the car park community. Further ride motorcycles towards these attractions while enjoying the beautiful area of aquaculture. Thus the new business is undertaken by coastal village communities into a parking lot and a motorcycle taxi driver. In addition to the open stalls hawking souvenirs typical of this coastal village communities and sell more food, or just selling souvenirs.
Tourism Office immediately well manages Gulf coast Permisan travel and religious tourism to the grave site Sekardadu Goddess. With properly managed, the possible impact on the economy of surrounding communities. Besides their other income Revenue Regional Tourism sector. The government can hold private parties that Maritime Travel around the bay this Permisan soon be realized. Then it will be the opening of new business opportunities as well as jobs for the people of coastal villages. This will happen with the cooperation of government and private sector and community support and participation of coastal villages.
To speed up the process of tourism management is able to cooperate with third-party investors and tourism. With the opening of this tourism will also open new jobs. With the opening of new jobs expected to the economic level of the coastal village, communities will increase. Also expected this insight coastal village communities will be more extensive.
Tourism management can be carried out jointly by the private sector, the Department of Tourism and the Government of Sidoarjo Regency Village. Systems revenue with revenue sharing in accordance with the duties and responsibilities of each. This is so that the treatment path to this tourist area is the responsibility of the village of money for the management outcomes. With this system is probably more effective than directly managed by the private sector.
Because this area is very difficult to perform communication using a mobile phone. It is expected the cooperation with telecommunication transmitters are willing and ready to make a transmitter transmitting this area. This is possible because the tourists would want a smooth communication network. Expected government took one or more providers to make this area a transmitting antenna. Due to their smooth communication is expected travelers will be happier to come to this place.
From the analysis above can be deduced as follows:
- The level of this coastal village community's economy is still relatively low due to the lack of coastal utilization of natural resources as well as possible.
- The coastal village communities less able to capture the business opportunities that exist due to the low level of their education and the lack of guidance from government.
- Means of supporting infrastructure and infrastructure of coastal villages still lacking. This would greatly hamper the development process of this coastal village communities from all aspects.
Therefore, in order to resolve these issues takes care together both government and private sector, as follows:
- The Government gives guidance to the public entrepreneurial coastal villages to immediately capture the business opportunities that exist without always sack the government aid.
- Completion of the paving and lighting program a top priority soon be resolved by the government.
- The village government immediately establish BUMDes and seek new breakthroughs in system sales of processed products and farm communities. It is intended that all processed by the community is to be marketed.
- Immediately optimized religious tourist area Dewi Sekardadu grave sites as well as the Gulf Coast Permisan travel and travel Mangrove Forest.