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Mediating role of Emotional Intelligence in the Correlation between Early Maladaptive Schemas and Coping Styles
This research aimed at investigating the relationship between mediating role of emotional intelligence with early maladaptive schemas and copying style. Correlation method was adopted and all of the participants were among the students of Islamic Azad University-Islamshahr Branch. From the pool of 22300 students, 380 participants were chosen by stratified sampling method according to the Morgan Table. The questionnaire of Shering Emotional Intelligence, Yang’s schemas questionnaire (short form), Yang and Yang avoidance questionnaire and Yang Compensation questionnaire were administered and analyzed. The results gained from data analyses utilizing multiple regression statistical method and line analyses showed that this method had appropriate fitting with the available data. The findings revealed that emotional intelligence had a mediating role in relationship with early maladaptive schemas and students’ copying style. The early maladaptive schemas had a direct and significant impact on emotional intelligence. The researcher may come to this conclusion that the students who use early maladaptive schemas have less emotional intelligence. There was a positive relationship between early maladaptive schemas and students’ copying style. Furthermore, the early maladaptive schemas had a direct and significant impact on students’ copying style.