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Influence Of Rural Environment On The Girl-Child’s Effective Study Of Biology In Ukum Local Government Area Of Benue State
This study examined influence of rural environment on the girl-child’s effective study of biology in Ukum Local Government Area of Benue State, Nigeria. The study employed the use of survey design. A sample of 150 female students were randomly selected from 10 secondary schools in the local government while 10 management staff, one each from the 10 schools participated in the study. A structured questionnaire titled “Influence of Rural Environment on Girl-Child towards Biology Questionnaire (IREGB-Q” was used to collect data from the participants. Three research questions were answered using Mean and Standard Deviation scores while three hypotheses were tested using independent t-test analysis. The results revealed a significant influence of lack of qualified biology teachers on the girl-child’s effective study of biology (t(8)=4.303, p <.05); inadequate facilities in rural environment significantly influenced the girl-child’s effective study of biology (t(148)=4.037), p><.05 also the level of poverty in rural environment significantly influenced the girl-child’s effective study of biology (t(148)=14.102, p><.05). The study found that rural environment is plagued with many factors that hamper effective study of biology by the girl-child including lack of qualified biology teachers, inadequate school facilities and poverty. The study recommends among others that the government and other concerned stakeholders should help to equip rural schools with necessary school facilities that can enhance learning of biology by the girl-child in rural environment.>