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The Malay Community Local Wisdom of Shame Culture in Legal Perspective to Prevent Corruption in North Sumatera


  • Nelvitia Purba Ph.d Universitas Muslim Nusantara Al Washliyah Medan (UMN) AW


Head of North Sumatra High Prosecutor Office stated that in 2016, there was 147 cases of corruption which reached the investigation stage, 72 cases was in ongoing investigation stage, 27 cases was at the stage of prosecution in the police and investigation to prosecutor and 41 cases to be processed and when completed will be delegated to the court. The large number of corruption cases in North Sumatera also made it the second most corrupt province in Indonesia based on the investigation of corruption cases handled by the North Sumatra High Prosecutor. Japan in 2012 was ranked 17th with a score of 74 on a scale of 0 to 100 in the corruption perception index (IPK) based on Transparency International Japan. The soul of samurai has become the most basic value in the context of the famous Japanese culture. The principle of samurai is teaching the values of honesty in life as well as to one self. This is originated from the soul of the samurai which is inherent in the soul of Japanese society. Japan is also known for the culture of shame as one of the prominent elements in raising the nation integrity and dignity to become an excellent nation. This study is an empirical legal research, using primary data and secondary data. The results of the study were analyzed qualitatively. The research found that shame culture of the Malay society is contained in pantun (poetry), poems, phrases and so forth that contain advices and amanah (mandate) to be passed down from generation to generation. The contents are the philosophy of life for the Malay. The contents, among other advice and the mandate include "Obedience to the Law of Shame." The whole advice and the amanah (mandate) are also part of "Tunjuk Ajar" (traditional virtues and teachings) which basically exists in all areas of origin of Puak Melayu in North Sumatra. This can be used as a basis for the prevention of corruption so that this shame culture becomes the foundation in behaving in daily activities.

Article information


International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Invention

Volume (Issue)

5 (7)





How to Cite

The Malay Community Local Wisdom of Shame Culture in Legal Perspective to Prevent Corruption in North Sumatera. (2018). International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Invention, 5(7), 4864-4868.



