Latest Issue

Vol. 5 No. 7 (2018):

Published: 2018-07-30


Public-Private Partnership Model used in urban sustainable development propriety research in Taipei governance of Taiwan

Mou-Chung Tseng, Chien-Wen Peng

The Effect of Transactional Leadership and Organizational Culture to Employee Performance through Motivation of Employment

Rudi Firmansah, Edy Supriyadi, Wirawan .

Social Studies Curriculum Content, and Respect among Preschool Children in Nairobi County, Kenya: Focusing on Relevance.

Ganira Khavugwi Lilian, Odundo Amollo Paul, Gatumu Jane.C, Muasya Njer...

Socio-economic and Demographic Covariates of Infant Mortality in Sub-Saharan Africa: Application of Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and Multiple Regression Models

Dr. Hadgu Bariagaber

The Malay Community Local Wisdom of Shame Culture in Legal Perspective to Prevent Corruption in North Sumatera

Nelvitia Purba Ph.d

The Effect of Emotional Control in Improving Communication Ethics of Silinda Junior High School Students

Nurasyah ., Enny Fitriani, Edi Zulfikar

Diversity, Inclusive Governance and Sustainable Development in Nigeria: The Federal Character Principle in Focus

Roseline C. Onah, Gabriel Igwebuike Ayogu

Teachers’ and Students’ Perceptions of Integrated Environmental Education in the Secondary School Curriculum for Managing Environmental Degradation in Machakos Sub County, Kenya

Timothy Mandila Chikati, Evans Ogoti Okendo (Phd)

Influence of Traditional Beliefs on Agricultural Activities of Women in Ogbia Local Government Area, Bayelsa State

Nnodim A.U, Obele, I .T

Performance of Ashas in ANC and Birth Planning in Uttar Pradesh, India

Dr. Tridibesh Tripathy, Mrs. Anjali Tripathy

Assessing Stress Factors and Coping Strategies among Primary Schools Adolescents in Moshi District, Tanzania

Edith Mwananzila, Muteti Catherine Mueni