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Adult Immigrants’ Perceptions of Career and Vocational Education and Factors Influencing Their Decision to Peruse a Vocational Programme of Study
This study was conducted with 400 students and 8 secondary school counsellors to find out factors that affect decision making of adult immigrant students from secondary schools with regard to their career and vocational study choices in Akershus county of Norway. Three sets of questionnaires were employed to gather the data. Descriptive statistics was used to analyze the data. The study revealed that the adult learners were satisfied to make individual decisions based on their personal evaluations of interests, abilities and capabilities more than any other factors such as school counsellors, teachers and parents. While the choices of vocational study of these adult learners was based on school counsellors` influence and other socioeconomic factors, academic program choices was based on self- motivation and interest. The study recommends the involvement of all stakeholders by the school counsellors to improve the implementation of career and vocational guidance programs for adults in all secondary schools.