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Buea Students’ Attitude Towards Hiv/Aids Pandemic: Managerial Imperatives For Sustainable Socio-Economic Development.
This study surveys students’ attitude towards HIV/AIDS pandemic in Universities in Buea, South- West Region in Cameroon. Ex-post-facto design was used for the study. Using stratified random sampling technique, 300 subjects were drawn from student population in the two universities. Data collection was carried out using the researcher’s constructed instrument called “Student Attitude Towards AIDS Pandemic Questionnaire” (SATAPQ). Three hypotheses guided the study. Data collected were analyzed using independent-test and population t-test statistical techniques. Results obtained revealed that there was no significant difference towards HIV/AIDS pandemic among gender, universities students’ attitude towards HIV/AIDS screening test is significantly positive. It was therefore recommended that the universities in Buea, South- West Region and in other Regions in Cameroon in general should redesign their curriculum to emphasize sex and HIV/AIDS education for sustainable socio economic development.