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The Implications Of Integrating Science Technology And English In A Bilingual University: The Case Of The University Of Dschang.
This article examines the common grammatical features typical of Francophone and Anglophone English in the Faculty of Science and the University Institute of Technology in the University of Dschang. This could be due to the influence of French, Cameroon being a bilingual country. Vocabulary, the use of articles, pronouns, prepositions and pronunciation seem to pose a problem as they are applied almost differently in the two languages.-French and English. French and pidgin English appear to have an influence on the English Anglophones speak in the areas of grammar and vocabulary as well as language usage. It as well examines attitudes of students towards the English language and their competence in the language. It stresses the importance of conducting a rigorous needs analysis before designing a course Porcaro (2013) This could be a step to remedying the prevailing situation in the University where the learning of English for specific purposes is ignored. The English language has to be spoken and written correctly by scientists and engineers who have to feed the machines with information or teach others who are not of the field to use the machines and the information Forchap (2015). A competent scientist or engineer has to be relevant communicative and defensive in his presentation so as not to be taken out of context. This requires the weapon of the language of science and technology –the English language. The language of science is brief, precise and clear, not giving room for flourishes, such as metaphors, irony, proverbs and idioms which are necessary to persuade the audience and fight boredom and disinterestedness in conferences and even research publications. Simplification and jargon in the language of the scientist or engineer robs the scientist of vocabulary and self- confidence in the event of logical argument or persuasion at conferences Mbangwana (1987)