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Motivation Instrument First-Testing On Brazilian´S Rugby Players
The aim of this study was testing the TEOSQ instrument reliability in 59 male Brazilian´s rugby playersof São Paulo City – Brazil, and comparing the results of tree rugby team´s goals orientation; thestatistical procurement was calculating Alpha´s Cronbach coefficient, the average of task and egoorientation of each team comparing the results by the Man Whitney testing. The results shows theinstrument stability by Alpha´s task orientation 0.71 and Alpha´s ego orientation in 0.70, counting theaverage of 4.37(±0.81) and 2.04 (±1.08) respectably. As we can confirm the Brazilian’s rugby players aredirected to task orientation demonstrating more security in their motor ability skills, playing for the teamgroup, and looking for learning more for the greatest performance, concluding that the testinginstrument shows stability and reliability.