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Establishment of the Concept of Multicultural Education and Institutionalization in South Korea


  • Jiin Park Department of Multicultural Education, Inha University


The purpose of this study is to analyze how the concept of multicultural education was established in Korea and examine if the concept is being validly legalized and institutionally realized in education. For this, we compared the conceptual elements of multicultural education being settled down in Korea with those of foreign countries, and based on it, we investigated how multicultural education is being reproduced in various legislations. In Korea, due to the advent of multicultural society caused by increase of immigrants, the establishment of multicultural policies and enactment of statutes, multicultural education has become more important. However, although the concept of multicultural education of Korea is similar to that of the western society, Korea has focused on assimilation. Thus, in order for multicultural education to be established in schools and society, it is very important to examine how multicultural education is being institutionalized in related legislations. To this end, this study performed theoretical research for establishing the concepts in both pedagogical and juristic perspectives. As a result of the analysis, it turned out that multicultural education was institutionalized being divided into education for immigrants’ social adaptation, support for children with immigration background on right for learning and multicultural education for general students and general members of community. However, it could be found that, multicultural education is lacking for general people and all students. Regarding the purpose of education, it was indicated that while ‘social integration’ having ‘nationalization’ as the premise is being focused, people’s understanding of multicultural society and guaranteeing cultural diversity of immigrants are not sufficient. Based on the study results, as the developmental direction of multicultural education in Korea, an emphasis on immigrants’ human rights and cultural diversity, and the paradigm shift to multicultural education embracing all students and citizens were suggested as alternatives

Article information


International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Invention

Volume (Issue)

3 (8)




How to Cite

Establishment of the Concept of Multicultural Education and Institutionalization in South Korea. (2016). International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Invention, 3(8).



