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Apposite Model to Improve Mastery of Kinematic Motion Concept for Physics Education Student
Physics is a subject that is considered difficult for students and this often leads to misconceptions. One of the factors
causing difficulties is the complexity of both abstract and real physics so it requires mastery of mathematical concepts and
creative thinking. In relation to the problem, this study aims to examine and develop Apposite Model (Application step instruction
and elaboration) to improve the ability of physics concept, on kinematics motion material. Validation results of both content
validation and the Apposite Model construct are feasible to use. The research design used pre test - post test one group design. The
sample in this research is Physic students at Departement of Physics Education, University of Jember year 2015/2016. Data were
analyzed using gain score (Hake) and Anova test. The results of data analysis show that the effectiveness of the model is a
moderate category, but the improvement of learning ability is significant. The conclusion of this research, Apposite Model can
improve mastery of physics concept of student on kinematics motion material.