Article contents
Dissonance between Syllabus and Testing: Reason of Weak Efficiency in English at SSC Level.
Since English is an international language, various attempts have been taken to make the citizens of Bangladesh
competent in English. Several education commissions and education policies have been formed and therefore, syllabus has been
designed, modified or changed with the needs of time to get the maximal output in English learning. The present (2015-2016)
English syllabus designed by NCTB and testing system approved by NAPE at SSC level in Bangladesh. The main aim of this
paper is to find out whether the testing system would carry on the goals and objectives of the syllabus properly or not. The
investigation attempts to show the teachers ability and their lack of competence, students‟ poor performance, and lack of teacherstudent
interactions, traditional teaching system and above all, some poor implementations of the syllabus and testing system, are
the major problems in teaching and learning English at the secondary level of education in Bangladesh. So, the paper will
recommend a co-relational alliance between the teaching materials and the testing methods to attain the goal of the curriculum.