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Do Occupational Safety and Health Environment Influence Work-Related Risks in Arab World?
: The industrial sector in Arab countries has witnessed a great development over the last few decades. However, the
sector experiences high occupational risks that have caused workers a lot of anxiety and suffering. This review of literature
focuses on the impact of occupational safety and health measures on risks in the work environment to determine the role of
governmental and non-governmental bodies in the application of occupational safety and health measures in the workplaces. It
also reviews how risks and accidents can be controlled through adherence to occupational safety and health measures in the work
environment. This effort can help to familiarize employees with the policy of application of occupational safety and health
procedures in the performance of their work, thus reducing loss of lives and resources and boosting productivity. It was found that
the previous studies have varied their objectives and results in terms of safety and occupational health. However, the studies did
not provide detailed analyses of the application of occupational safety and health in reducing work-related risks