
On Line Shop Research with variable ease of shopping, product quality shopping. This study among young people aged
18-28 years, residing in Jakarta, Tangerang and Tangerang Selatan, Bogor, Bekasi, Indonesia. A multivariate questionnaire with
closed questions. Likert Scale 1 - 5. Number of questionnaires 128 respondents with 69 male respondents and 59 female
respondents. The quantitative analysis method uses a multiple linear regression analyz of IBM SPSS version 23 for analysis of
determination (R Square), tested partially (t test) and simultaneous (test F) hypotheses with alpha 5 percent (0.05). Results of
determination analysis (R Square) 0.172 for variable ease of shopping, product quality and shopping on the store on line. Results
of hypothesis partially test (t test) 2,915 for ease of shopping and 3,672 for product quality. Simultaneous test results (test F)
obtained 0.000 results below the maximum value of alpha 5 percent (0.05).


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