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The Effect of Government Expenditures in Education and Health against Human Development Index in Jambi Province


  • M. Zahari MS, Sudirman Lecturers the Economics Faculty of Batanghari University, Jambi Indonesia


The increase and decrease in the index of human development and spawning the government is very influential because if the big government expenditure then the possibility of human development we also become better. Moreover, government expenditure in the field of education and health can also help the community for human development in our country especially in Jambi Province to be better. In this study using time series data government expenditure data in the field of education and health and public welfare data that is seen from the human development index in Jambi province in 2001 until 2015. then in this study using the model of multiple regression equation is see the influence between independent variables against The dependent variable and also to see how the two variables influence each other then used a classical assumption analysis tool with SPSS data processing tool. From the analysis of simultaneous statistical test (F), it can be concluded that the value of F arithmetic is greater than the F table value (4.824> 3.89), then there is a positive influence between the independent variables (Government expenditure in education and government expenditure in health sector) To the dependent variable (Human Development Index in Jambi Province) with significance level of 0.029. From the result of Partial Statistic Test (t), it can be concluded that the value of t count is smaller than the value of t table on the variable of government expenditure in the field of education (0,431 <2,179), with significance level 0,674 so there is no influence between government expenditure in field Education on the human development index in Jambi Province. While the government expenditure variable in the health of t value is bigger than t table equal to (3,057> 2,179) with significance level 0,010 hence government expenditure in health sector there is positive and significant influence to index of human development in Jambi province. The coefficient value of regression variable of government expenditure in the field of Health (X2) of 0,042 can be interpreted if government expenditures in the field of Health rose 1 percent then the human development index will rise by 0.042

Article information


International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Invention

Volume (Issue)

4 (8)





How to Cite

The Effect of Government Expenditures in Education and Health against Human Development Index in Jambi Province. (2017). International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Invention, 4(8), 3823-3829.



