
The purpose of this research is to examine the eligibility of module based on local potential integrated SETS. The eligibility consists of three aspects: validity, practicality and effectiveness.This research were developed by Borg and Gall method that modified into four step, that is : (1) front-end analysis, (2) design, (3) validation and revision, and (4) testing and final revision. The design of field testing is The One Group Pretest-Posttest Design. The results show that module based on local potential integrated SETS is proper to be applied in learning. This can be seen from the validation assesment criteria gets valid with a assesment scores reached 3,8. The practically assesment shown from percentage 94,44%. The effectiveness assesment showed in the medium category indicated by the calculation of the gain score 0,4735. It could be concluded that module based on local potential integrated SETS wothly to use as teaching materials.


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