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The Role of Deleted in Colorectal Cancer (Dcc) and P53 Mrna Expression In Young Colorectal Cancer Patients


  • Budhi IB Surgery Department, Medical Faculty, Sebelas Maret University
  • Metria IB Medical Faculty, Sebelas Maret University
  • Hanafi B Digestive Surgery Division, Padjadjaran University
  • Herri SS Pharmacology Department, Padjadjaran University
  • Effendi JS Obstetry Gynecology Department, Padjadjaran University


Background : The incidence of colorectal malignancies at a young age, and the absence of sufficient data to explain about it, including in terms of gene mutations that play a role.  The research will be done here is to determine whether changes in mRNA expression of genes DCC ( deleted in colorectal cancer ) and p53 play a role in colorectal malignancy is less than 40 years of age.  Researchers also will perform immunohistochemistry to look at protein expression of the gene and protein expression was evaluated whether these correlated with mRNA expression.

Methods : This study is an observational analytic cross sectional design, carried out in the Laboratory of Biomedical Faculty of Medicine Sebelas Maret University from June 2013 to March 2014.  Subjects were 30 patients with stage III colorectal adenocarcinoma, with details of the 15 subjects for each group.  Subjects taken by consecutive sampling.  Immunohistochemical examination of paraffin block preparation and reverse transcriptase - polymerase chain reaction (RT - PCR) of tumor tissue samples for evaluation of the presence of the protein and mRNA expression of DCC and p53 genes .Statistical analysis using the chi-square test and Phi correlation. 

Results : the 4 subjects in the age group ≤ 40 years was not accompanied by DCC protein expression while in the age group > 40 years of protein expression obtained in all preparations.  Expression of p53 protein more available in the age group > 40 years ( 3 subjects ), in the age group ≤ 40 years is only found in 1 subject. Examination results of RT-PCR to assess the mRNA expression results are consistent with the results of immunohistochemistry.  Eleven subjects from the age group ≤ 40 years obtained DCC mRNA expression, whereas p53 mRNA expression was found in 12 subjects.  From  statistical analysis using the chi-square test and Phi correlation, we found significant association between protein and mRNA expression of DCC with colorectal cancer aged ≤ 40 years.  Correlation of test results, obtained significant correlation between mRNA expression of DCC with colorectal cancer aged ≤ 40 years and the results of protein expression were significantly correlated with mRNA expression of DCC and p53 genes. 

Conclusion : the expression of p53 protein and mRNA did not play a role in colorectal cancer ≤ 40 years of age. Protein expression was positively correlated with mRNA expression .

Article information


International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Invention

Volume (Issue)

5 (1)





How to Cite

The Role of Deleted in Colorectal Cancer (Dcc) and P53 Mrna Expression In Young Colorectal Cancer Patients. (2018). International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Invention, 5(1), 3442-3447.



