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Research Article

Evaluation of endothelial cell loss after cataract surgery in patients with pseudoexfoliative syndrome


  • Zineb Filali Mohammed V University Souissi, Department A of Ophthalmology, Rabat, Morocco
  • Hamza Lazaar Mohammed V University Souissi, Department A of Ophthalmology, Rabat, Morocco
  • Bentaleb Mohamed Mohammed V University Souissi, Department A of Ophthalmology, Rabat, Morocco.
  • Narjisse Taouri Mohammed V University Souissi, Department A of Ophthalmology, Rabat, Morocco.
  • Noureddine boutimzine Mohammed V University Souissi, Department A of Ophthalmology, Rabat, Morocco.
  • Abdellah Amazouzi Mohammed V University Souissi, Department A of Ophthalmology, Rabat, Morocco.
  • Cherkaoui Lalla Ouafae Mohammed V University Souissi, Department A of Ophthalmology, Rabat, Morocco.



Despite modern techniques and technologies for cataract surgery, pseudoexfoliative syndrome poses a challenge to surgeons due to weakness of the zonular apparatus and limited pupillary dilation.

Quantitative and qualitative morphological changes in the corneal endothelium have been demonstrated by several studies.

An accumulated risk of endothelial cell loss can be expected in these patients following more complicated and prolonged surgery, often requiring complex manipulation of the cataract, iris, and IOL.

Our present work aims to compare the loss of endothelial cells after uncomplicated phacoemulsification in patients without and with pseudoexfoliative syndrome.

Materials and methods:

We conducted a prospective comparative study collected at the Rabat specialty hospital, spanning from August to December 2023.

Were included in this study 60 candidates for cataract surgery:

- 30 patients with pseudoexfoliation syndrome (PXF) and

- 30 without capsular exfoliation (non-PXF) as a control group.

We excluded from this work diabetic patients, glaucomatous patients, patients with a history of surgery, ocular trauma or uveitis, high myopia, patients with preoperative corneal abnormalities as well as all complicated cataract surgeries.

All patients underwent cataract surgery by phacoemulsification with implantation.

- 30 without capsular exfoliation (non-PXF) as a control group.

We excluded from this work diabetic patients, glaucomatous patients, patients with a history of surgery, ocular trauma or uveitis, high myopia, patients with preoperative corneal abnormalities as well as all complicated cataract surgeries.

All patients underwent cataract surgery by phacoemulsification with implantation.


In our series, we did not find a statistically significant difference in the density of preoperative endothelial cells between the 2 groups, this result is similar to that obtained by KALJURAND et al, on the other hand for ken hayashi et al, and wirbelauer et al, the difference between the 2 groups was statistically significant.

Regarding postoperative cell loss, our results agreed with those obtained by Ken Hayashi et al, who also reported greater endothelial cell loss in the PXF group compared to the control, unlike Wirbelauer et al, for whom the loss of endothelial cells was similar between the 2 groups.

In the study by Kaljurand et al, the average percentage loss was 18% in the PXF group versus 11.6 in the control group, this difference had a statistically low significance.


The loss of corneal endothelial cells after phacoemulsification in eyes with capsular pseudoexfoliation was significantly greater than in eyes without PXF, these results suggest that corneal endothelial cells of patients with pseudoexfoliation syndrome are more vulnerable to cataract surgery than healthy endothelial cells.

To prevent serious endothelial lesions, a precise preoperative evaluation of the corneal endothelial state by specular microscopy seems necessary in these patients, with more precision and precautions during the procedure.

Introduction :

Despite modern techniques and technologies for cataract surgery, pseudoexfoliative syndrome poses a challenge to surgeons due to weakness of the zonular apparatus and limited pupillary dilation.

Quantitative and qualitative morphological changes in the corneal endothelium have been demonstrated by several studies [1, 2].

An accumulated risk of endothelial cell loss can be expected in these patients following more complicated and prolonged surgery, often requiring complex manipulation of the cataract, iris, and IOL.

Our present work aims to compare the loss of endothelial cells after uncomplicated phacoemulsification in patients without and with pseudoexfoliative syndrome.

Materials and methods :

We conducted a prospective comparative study collected at the Rabat specialty hospital, spanning from August to December 2023.

Were included in this study 60 candidates for cataract surgery:

- 30 patients with pseudoexfoliation syndrome (PXF) and

- 30 without capsular exfoliation (non-PXF) as a control group.

We excluded from this work diabetic patients, glaucomatous patients, patients with a history of surgery, ocular trauma or uveitis, high myopia, patients with preoperative corneal abnormalities as well as all complicated cataract surgeries.

All patients underwent cataract surgery by phacoemulsification with implantation.

Specular microscopy with measurement of endothelial cell density (ECD), central corneal thickness (CCT), hexagonality and coefficient of variation was performed preoperatively and 8 weeks after surgery. (Figure 1).

We used Student's t test to perform the statistical analysis.

Figure 1. Specular microscopy device used in the study

Results :

Age :

Concerning the results, the mean age of the patients was 71 years in the PXF group, versus 68 years in the control group, this difference was not statistically significant.

Figure 2. Mean age of patients in the two groups


In the PXF group, men accounted for 40% versus 46.5% in the control group.

Preoperative visual acuity and types of cataracts were similarly distributed between the 2 groups.

Figure 3. distribution of patients in the two groups according to gender.

Preoperative characteristics:

For preoperative characteristics, the difference in mean keratometry and axial length was not significant.

Mean keratometry 44,57 ± 2,26 P:0.30
Axial length 22,01 ± 0.99 23.00 ± 1.61 P:0.09
Implant power 22,34 ± 2,55 20,11 ± 2,80 P:0.45
Table 1. Distribution of mean keratometry, axial length and implant power in the two groups of patients preoperatively.

There was no statistically significant difference between the 2 groups with regard to the preoperative results of the average density of endothelial cells, the coefficient of variation, the hexagonality as well as the central corneal thicknes.

Endothelial cell density 2440,42 ± 42 c/mm² 2568.37 ± 250 c/mm² P: 0.3
Coefficient of variation 32 .27 ± 2.83 % 34.08 ± 6.38% P: 0.38
Hexagonality 51.69 ± 6.65 % 54.25 ± 9 % P : 0.4
Central cornealthickness 475,18 ± 27.58 µm 493,070 ± 32 µm P: 0,16
Table 2. Distribution of endothelial cell density, coefficient of variation, hexagonality and central corneal thickness in the two groups preoperatively

Operating characteristics:

Regarding the cumulative dissipated energy used during the gesture, it was higher in the PXF group compared to the control group: 14.5 versus 11.4, this difference was not statistically significant.

EDC 14,50 ±4,80 11,49± 6,51 0,32
Table 3. Cumulative dissipated energy used in the two groups intraoperatively.

Post-operative results:

The mean postoperative endothelial cell density was significantly lower in the PXF group than in the non-PXF group. Mean central corneal thickness was similar between groups throughout the follow-up period. There was no statistically significant difference for the coefficient of variation and the hexagonality.

PXF PXF Post-operative Non-PXF Non-PXF Post-operative
Endothelial celldensity 2440,42 ±42 1313,92 ±368 2568.37 ±250 1850,87 ± 467
Coefficient ofvariation 32 .27 ±2.83 35.25 ± 5.89 34.08 ± 6.38 32.87 ± 4.7
Hexagonality 51.69 ± 6.65 42.57 ± 12 54.25 ± 9 52,18± 10
Central cornealthickness 475,18 ±27.58 468 ± 47.56 493,070 ± 32 499,4 ± 36.37
Table 4. Distribution of endothelial cell density, coefficient of variation, hexagonality and central corneal thickness in the two groups postoperatively.

The percentage of endothelial cell loss was significantly higher in the PXF group than in the control group. It was about 46% in the PXF group and 27% in the control group.

Losses of endothelialcells 1126,50 ± 438,11 717,43 ± 432,94 0,01
Table 5. Losses of endothelial cells between the two groups of patients.

Discussion :

Pseudo-exfoliative syndrome is a degenerative systemic pathology of the extracellular matrix characterized by an accumulation of fibrillar material in the anterior segment of the eye as well as in other organs.

The accompanying endothelopathy is characterized histopathologically by pronounced loss of endothelial cells, fibroblastic transformation, phagocytosis of melanin, and diffuse thickening of Descemet's membrane. Other reports have suggested that iris hypoprofusion, anterior chamber hypoxia, and altered aqueous humor composition may also be responsible for endothelial changes.

Pseudoexfoliation as a risk factor for endothelial cell loss after phacoemulsification is a controversial subject.

In our series, we did not find a statistically significant difference in the density of preoperative endothelial cells between the 2 groups, this result is similar to that obtained by KALJURAND et al [3], on the other hand for ken hayashi et al [4, 5 ], and wirbelauer et al, the difference between the 2 groups was statistically significant.

Preoperative endothelialcell density
Our study No statisticallysignificant difference
KALJURAND ET AL No statisticallysignificant difference
KEN HAYACHI ET AL Statistically significant difference
WIRBELAUER ET AL Statistically significantdifference
Table 6. Comparing between our study and other studies with respect to preoperative endothelial cell density.

Regarding postoperative cell loss, our results agreed with those obtained by Ken Hayashi et al [4], who also reported greater endothelial cell loss in the PXF group compared to the control, unlike Wirbelauer et al [5], for whom the loss of endothelial cells was similar between the 2 groups.

In the study by Kaljurand et al [3], the average percentage loss was 18% in the PXF group versus 11.6 in the control group, this difference had a statistically low significance.

Perte cellulaire postopératoire 2023
Notre étude Highest cell loss inPXF group
KEN HAYASHI ETAL Highest cell loss inPXF group
WIRBELAUER ETAL Similar loss betweenthe 2 groups
KALJURAND et al Statistically lowsignificance
Table 7. Comparison between our study and other studies regarding postoperative cell loss.


In conclusion the loss of corneal endothelial cells after phacoemulsification in eyes with capsular pseudoexfoliation was significantly greater than in eyes without PXF, these results suggest that corneal endothelial cells of patients with pseudoexfoliation syndrome are more vulnerable to cataract surgery than healthy endothelial cells.

To prevent serious endothelial lesions, a precise preoperative evaluation of the corneal endothelial state by specular microscopy seems necessary in these patients, with more precision and precautions during the procedure.

References :

  1. Miyake K, M,Inaba, M.corneal endothelial changes in pseudoexfoliation syndrome . AM J ophtalmol. 1989;108:49-52
  2. Seitz B, Muller EE, Langenbucher A, kus MM, Naumann GOH. Endothelial keratopathie bei pseudoexfoliationsyndrom: quantitative and qualitative morphometrie mitteks automatisierter videobildanalyse. Klin Monatsbl augenheikd. 1995;207:167-175
  3. Kaljurand K, Teesalu P. Exfoliation syndrome as a risk factor for corneal endothelial cell loss in cataract surgery. Ann Ophthalmol (Skokie). 2007 Winter;39(4):327-33.
  4. Ken Hayashi, Shin-ichi Manabe, Koichi Yoshimura, Hiroyuki Kondo, Corneal endothelial damage after cataract surgery in eyes with pseudoexfoliation syndrome, Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery, Volume 39, Issue 6, 2013, Pages 881-887.
  5. Hayashi K, Manabe S, Yoshimura K, Kondo H. Corneal endothelial damage after cataract surgery in eyes with pseudoexfoliation syndrome. Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery. 2013 Jun;39(6):881-887.

Article information


International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Invention

Volume (Issue)

11 (05)





How to Cite

Evaluation of endothelial cell loss after cataract surgery in patients with pseudoexfoliative syndrome. (2024). International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Invention, 11(05), 7120-7124.







Endothelial Cell , Cataract Surgery