Latest Issue

Vol. 3 No. 12 (2016):

Published: 2016-12-01


Clinical Study of Biliary Ascariasis in Adults: A Hospital Based Study from North Eastern India

KG Lynrah# , RS Thangkhiew##, M Lyngdoh* , B Wankhar**, D Hek***, S Ta...

Health System Factors as Correlates of Infant Feeding Options among HIV Positive Mothers in Ogoja Local Government Area of Cross River State, Nigeria

Eneji, J.E.O., Asuquo, I., Ngoka, V.N. & *Eneji, C.V.O.

Maternal and infant factors as determinants of infant feeding options among HIV positive mothers in Cross River State, Nigeria

Eneji, J.E.O., Eneji, C.V.O., Ngoka, V.N. & Mgbekem, M. A.

Fever of Unknown Origin: a Dental aetiology

Robin George Manappallil , Rajesh Manuel , Sneha Shalu , Jishnu Jayara...

Effect of Iloperidone on serum Prolactin in patients suffering from Schizophrenia

Sowmya Maganti , Sandeep Krishna Murthy Kosaraju, Lokesh Kumar Kalasap...

Altered levels of serum Copper, Magnesium as a marker of oxidative stress in Predicting Systemic Inflammation in Type 2 Diabetes

Supriya , Mangala Sirsikar , *Venkata BharatKumar Pinnelli, Shrabani M...

Archwires: A Walk for an Orthodontist

Dr.Roli Nath BDS , Dr.Aravind S Raju u MDS , Dr.Renji K Paul MDS , Dr....

Full mouth rehabilitation of a patient with severely worn out dentition with ceka attachments.

Verma Kamal*, Gowda E Mahesh **, Kumar Mukul*** Verma Rashima#

Turmeric: A Boon for General Health As Well As Oral Health

Dr. Tanoj Kumar , Dr. Awnindra Kumar , Dr. Zazib Nazeer , Dr. Mobeen K...

Clinical Study of Hypothyroidism in Children

Dr. Vijay C. Nakum, Dr. Purvi S. Patel2 , Dr K. M. Mehariya

Two cases of Oto palate digital syndrome type II: Clinical features and a study of telomere length maintenance pathways.

Jayitri Mazumdar1#,Priyanka Chowdhury2#, ,Arundhati Banerjee1,Tunisha ...

The virus etiology of warty carcinoma of the uterine cervix

Yordanov A.D. , Dimitrova B.I. , Karcheva M.D. , Popovska S.L. , Dinev...

“Clinical Profile of Cases of Acute Kidney Injury in a Tertiary Care Centre”

Gp Capt (Dr) V.R. Mujeeb1 , Maj (Dr) Yatharth Dixit2 , Brig (Dr) Arun ...

Can Achilles tendon be affected in patients with intermittent claudication?

Birnur Yılmaz Md , Nuran Sabir Akkoyunlu

A Case of Carcinoma Oesophagus with Spontaneous Oesophagopleural Fistula

Dr. Rohit Singh*, Dr.Ashish Deshmukh , Dr Sunil Jadhav, Dr.S.Kasat, Dr...

Valuation of fall risk factors by elderly

Cristina Lavareda Baixinho , Maria dos Anjos Dixe

Can Shear -Wave Elastography be used to detect liver decreased stiffness in liver due to hepatic steatosis?

Birnur Yılmaz Md , Halime , Çevik Md

Role of ultrasound in diagnosis of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in diabetic patients

Birnur Yılmaz Md , Nuran Sabir Akkoyunlu

‘Incidence of VAP in tertiary care hospital and impletation of VAP bundle

Ranjeeta Kumari , Dr. Prakash Chand Choudhary and Dr. Bhanwar Lal Jat