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Deforestation: Causes And Consequences
Forests are one of the most valuable eco-systems in the world, containing over 60% of the world’s biodiversity. This biodiversity has multiple social and economic values, apart from its intrinsic value. Forests provide sustainable environment. Deforestation leads to disappearance of sustainable development. Deforestation takes place due to a number of reasons like, logging, growth of population, urbanization, grazing, logging, acid rain, construction of dams and reservoirs, habitat fragmentation, slash and burn method of farming, wild fire, global warming, hydro-electric projects, quarrying and mining etc. The consequences of deforestation are mainly negative. Many people lose their livelihood. Deforestation leads to loss of cultural diversity, loss of biodiversity and loss of carbon storage capacity. However, deforestation can be restricted and sustainable forestry can be achieved through the alternatives or feasible solutions. This paper focuses on not only the causes and consequences of Deforestation but also alternatives for Sustainable development.