Latest Issue

Vol. 4 No. 12 (2017):

Published: 2017-12-01


Teaching Pragmatics with Socio-drama Technique

Harison Surbakti

The Comparison Study of Custommer’s Satisfaction between Carefour and Giant Hypermarket in Cikarang West Java

Edy Supriyadi, Lies Putriana, Yanti Murni

Development of Geographical Tourism Education Potentials with Analysis Geographical Curriculum in 2013 to Improve Tourist Attraction in Jember Regency

Fahrudi Ahwan Ikhsan, Bejo Apriyanto, Elan Artono Nurdin, Fahmi Arif K...

Représentation romanesque de la dimension humaine; étude de Half of a Yellow Sun de Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie Romance representation of the human dimension; study of half of a Yellow Sun by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

KRA Koffi Jérôme

Homeless at a new home: How German Balts and Latvians found their coping strategies after 1939 and 1945

Geert Franzenburg

Perceptions of Selected Heterogeneous Primary School Heads toward Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) in the School Strategic Planning (SSP)

Wan Suraya binti Wan Nik, Wan Zuraidah binti Wan Nik

Should Age and Education be taken into account to Innovate?

Aziza Saïda Slimane

The role of Marxism in the Lao political system in the contemporary era

Yu Dahuai, Sybuamala Phoutthaphone, Wu Jing

Study on Relationship of BMI with Eating Pattern and Health Concern

N. Daud, C. W. Heng, N. F. Razak, H. W. You