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The Comparison Study of Custommer’s Satisfaction between Carefour and Giant Hypermarket in Cikarang West Java
This research purposed to know the customer satisfaction between Giant and Carrefour Hypermarket. The
research methodology that the researcher used in this case is Quantitative analysis method. The sample size, the
researchers calculate the minimum sample size required to make the research by using sample size for mean formula by
slovin. The result gives that this research requires minimum 180 respondents to gain the 95% level of confidence with the
0.5 standard of error and standard deviation 3.42. The statistical analysis used anova to compare the customer’s
satisfaction between two Carefour and Giant Hypermarket. The weighted mean used to evaluate what is dominant factor
between them. The result were (1)The Carrefour and The Giant hypermarkets don’t have the significant difference in
customer satisfaction (2) In product diversification factor that influences the customer satisfaction, Giant has better role
(3) The quality of products in Carrefour is better than products in Giant (4) In product quality factor that influences the
customer satisfaction, Carrefour has better role (5) The Quality of products in Carrefour is better than products in Giant
(6) In pricing factor that influences the customer satisfaction, Giant has better role (7) Product’s pricing and pricing
system in Giant is better than in Carrefour (8) In responsiveness factor that influences the customer satisfaction, Giant has
better role (9) The Employees’ responsiveness in Giant is better than in Carrefour (10) In assurance factor that influences
the customer satisfaction, Carrefour has better role (11)The assurance in Carrefour is better than in Giant(12) In location
factor that influences the customer satisfaction, Giant has better role