
Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) is widely used for systemic and oxygenated systemic settings during open heart surgery. (Simon L, 2004) To date there is yet to be found a definitive biochemical marker that can be considered prognostic in patients who subside. using a CPB machine. Hyperglycemia is defined as a glucose level above the normal physiological range. Normal blood glucose level is 70-120 mg and levels > 120 mg/dL is a diagnostic level for diabetes. During CPB and coronary artery bypass off-pump (OPCAB), most patients tend to have elevated blood glucose levels despite no previous diabetes medical history.

This study uses a descriptive study design study with a retrospective approach.

The study was conducted in the Division of Cardiac and Cardiac Surgery of the Department of Surgery of the Faculty of Medicine USU/ RSUP H. Adam Malik Medan. The study was conducted after the proposal was approved. The population in this study were patients who performed Coronary Artery ByPass Graft surgery using Cardiopulmonary Bypass (CBP) at RSUP H. Adam Malik Medan in 2016 (01 January - 31 December 2016).

The study involved patients who performed Coronary Artery ByPass Graft surgery using a CPB machine in RS. Haji Adam Malik Medan. The number of research subjects was 41 people. . Based on sex it is seen that more men (84.3%) than women. The mean of postoperative KGD H + 3 was the highest KGD that was 218,28 + 23,5 mg / dL. The use of Humulin R is most commonly used in insulin therapy with patients with postoperative CPB hyperglycemia. Based on the ANOVA test there was a significant difference in the value of KGD in H + 1 post CPB operation compared to H + 2 post CPB operation (p = 0.013, p <0.05).


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