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The Relationship of Wife's Attitude and Family Support towards Smoking Husband's Behavior inside the House in Ulee Susu, Darul Imarah Sub-District


  • Ismail . Lecturer at the Nursing Department of Health Polytechnic Aceh Health Ministry


The society in Darul Kamal district in general and Ulee Susu settlements in particular work as farmers with low middle socioeconomic level. Data obtained from the Puskesmas Darul Imarah mentioned that respiratory tract diseases such as respiratory infection, Pneumonia, Bronchitis, TBC, etc always occupy as the highest percentage during the last three years. According to health officials, more than 60% of householders in the region are active smokers and some of them smoke Acehnese traditional cigarettes. The research method is analytic research with cross-sectional study approach, the population is husband who do smoke (both inside and outside the house) 1972 people. The sample is 106 people. The data analysis used to test the hypothesis is chi-square statistic test. The result of the study found that the majority of respondents strongly support her husband not to smoke in the house,  is 63 respondents (59,4%), the majority of respondents have positive attitude in order to make the husband not smoking inside the house,  is 56 respondents (52,8%), that her husband smokes inside the house, is 58 respondents (54.7%). It can be concluded that there is no relationship of wife attitude toward husband behavior smoking in the house (P.Value 0,95) and there is no relation of family support to husband behavior smoking in the house (P.Value 0,23).

Article information


International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Invention

Volume (Issue)

5 (1)





How to Cite

The Relationship of Wife’s Attitude and Family Support towards Smoking Husband’s Behavior inside the House in Ulee Susu, Darul Imarah Sub-District. (2018). International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Invention, 5(1), 3494-3499.



