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Association between Blood Pressure, Body Mass Index (Bmi) and Age amongst Women in a Community in Cross River State of Nigeria.
BACKGROUND: High body mass index (obesity) is a great health threat to aging individuals which results in increased blood pressure.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: The Study was carried out in four different communities namely: Ikom, Akamkpa, Calabar South and Calabar Municipal of Cross River State, Nigeria. It was carried out amongst 130 women who voluntarily gave their consent during a cervical screening done in their various locations during the period of December 2016 to January 2017 in Cross River State, Nigeria. Blood pressure was measured using a standard mercury sphygmomanometer to obtain both the diastolic and systolic blood pressure of the various individuals. The height and weight were obtained using a weighing balance and a stadiometer respectively to get the weight and height. It was summarized age group wise and cut off points gotten from the individuals and reviewed using the WHO classification of body mass index classification. Data obtained were presented using frequencies and percentages.
RESULTS: Underweight individuals (8)had a total percentage of 6.15%.A total of 46(35.40%) of the individuals were of normal weight..46 and 30 of the individuals had a percentage of 35.40% and 23.08%respectively(overweight and obese).A maximum number of the individuals were normal(were neither prehypertensive nor hypertensive). 49 and 19 individuals were prehypertensive in systolic and diastolic blood pressure respectively and 7 and 16 were hypertensive in systolic and diastolic blood pressure respectively.
CONCLUSION: A high body mass index and hypertension correlate with advancing age. and can be prevented by living an acceptable lifestyle devoid of it Triggers like alcohol, smoking ,reduced salt intake etc and having a regular routine check-up done periodically.