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Screening of Gestational Diabetes and its correlation with Maternal and Prenatal Morbidity
Introduction: Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) has public health importance far beyond its immediate effect on the mother and child. Pregnancy is a diabetogenic state and GDM is a major driver of the Type 2 diabetes epidemic. About 1% - 3% of all pregnant women will show glucose intolerance. GDM is the most common metabolic complication that affects pregnant women. The frequency of GDM and its associated maternal, prenatal and long term morbidity emphasizes the importance of screening method.
Aim: To study the role of 50 gm glucose challenge test for screening of gestational diabetes
Method: Two hundred and fifty antenatal patients between 24-28 weeks of gestation were screened for gestational diabetes by 50 gm oral glucose challenge test. Comparison was made among normal patients and patients diagnosed with gestational diabetes regarding risk factors, clinical examination, routine and special investigations and pregnancy outcome
Results: Out of 250 patients 150 had no risk factors while 100 had one or more risk factors. 10 patients (4%) were diagnosed as having gestational diabetes. 8 patients were detected at 24-28 weeks and 2 were detected from the risk factor group at 32-34 weeks.
Conclusion: Universal screening of all pregnant patients during 24-28 weeks with glucose challenge test is simple, convenient, cheap and easy to organize instrument to identify women with GDM. In India we recommend universal screening of all pregnant women, as they have 11 fold increased risk of developing glucose intolerance during pregnancy compared to Caucasian women.