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The role of MDCT in the diagnosis of small bowel obstruction secondary to multiple adhesion bands: A case report
The role of MDCT in the diagnosis of small bowel obstruction
Adhesion band is a major cause of small bowel obstruction. Traditionally, the obtained results of computed tomography (CT) scan were indicative of adhesion band as an etiology for small bowel obstruction. However, adhesion is easily diagnosed today due to technological advances in radiology and high-quality multidetector CT. It is important to avoid the possible complications of bowel obstruction in the early and appropriate surgical intervention. This article is a report of a 45-year-old woman with abdominal pain and history of previous abdominal surgery. A contrast-enhanced CT scan showed multiple adhesion bands ensued the abrupt narrowing of bowel diameter and closed small-bowel loops obstruction. Furthermore, multiple bands were clearly observed and adhesiolysis was performed in the surgery.