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BCG Vaccination: A Beacon Of Hope With A Word Of Caution – An Overview On The Current Consensus In nCOVID-19
The world is witnessing a great toll on human lives and economy due to nCOVID-19 pandemic. The newly emerged strain (SARS-CoV-2) is spreading rampantly with no regional barriers. No proven vaccination or a proven drug exist to pulverize SARS-CoV-2. Few studies have linked BCG vaccination policy to account for the difference in nCOVID-19 morbidity and mortality between countries experiencing an avalanche in comparison to those with moderate to mild disease. Apart from its prime discovery for combating TB infection, BCG vaccination holds a wide array of clinical utility because of its immunomodulatory potential. This serves as a ray of hope for extrapolating its use in nCOVID-19 with greater and earliest response. However, at present, it is wrapped with a fear of overutilization without proven efficacy against this contagion and may further result in a shortage of vaccines for children who are covered under immunization policy. A number of clinical trials are underway to enlighten upon BCG and its effectivity parameters to combat this scenario. These outcomes will surely be more significant for countries not following universal vaccination policy. In the interim, containment strategy along with supportive care is the mainstay to battle the prevailing scenario with a positive outlook on the results of ongoing clinical trials.