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Estimation Of Occupational Accident Rate Using Raking Ratio Method
Objectives: While the occupational accident rate is calculated based on the Industrial Accidents Compensation Data in Korea, because there are establishments without registered insurance, it is necessary to revise the estimation method. This study adjusted the employee proportion distribution to estimate the occupational accident rate. Methods: The employee distribution within the Industrial Accidents Compensation Data by industrial sector, region and size was approximated to the population distribution using the raking ratio method, which was estimated through error rate against the Economically Active Population Survey data. The occupational accident rate was calculated through each stratum and adjusted employee proportion. Results: As a result of the raking ratio method, when employee proportions within the industrial sector were compared to the Economically Active Population Survey, the error and occupational accident rates were reduced. However, there was a problem with under-sampling of the construction industry establishment in the survey population where the raking ratio method was used. As a result of analysis by region and establishment size, the error rate was reduced while the occupational accident rate increased. Conclusion: As shown in this study, when data are incomplete, the reliability index can still be estimated using population data. In particular, when the occupational accident rate is calculated based on industrial accident compensation insurance data, the index could be diversified. Further study will examine cases of incomplete population data