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Dental Age Estimation Using Willems Method In Mangalore Population: A Radiographic Study.


  • Abdul Akbar Laxmikanth Chatra Prashanth Shenai Veena K M ,Prasanna Kumar Rao ,Rachana V Prabhu


Introduction: Age estimation is an integral part of forensic science. Various methods have been developed in age estimation by using dental radiography. Dental radiography is an effective tool in estimation of dental age and it can correlate with unknown age. It also has an advantages of being non invasive unlike any other methods employing histological sections and various anthropological measurements. Aim and objectives: The aim of the present study is to estimate the Dental Age (DA) in different age groups by assessing the developmental stages of mandibular seven teeth by using Willems method. And evaluate the possible correlation between DA and Chronological Age (CA). Materials and Methodology: Digital Orthopantomograms (OPGs) of 30 subjects were used in the study. Mandibular teeth from central incisor to the second molar were selected, and DA was assessed using Willems method. Results: The study shows mean difference between the estimated DA and CA for males was 0.6786 years while for females 0.1187 years. The overall mean difference between DA and CA according to Willems method was 0.3800 years and is statistically not significant. Conclusion: This study showed significant correlation between estimated DA and CA. Thus, digital radiographic assessment of mandibular teeth development can be used to generate DA by using Willems method and also the estimated age range for an individual of unknown CA.

Article information


International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Invention

Volume (Issue)

3 (5)




How to Cite

Dental Age Estimation Using Willems Method In Mangalore Population: A Radiographic Study. (2016). International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Invention, 3(5).



