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Effect of Education and Musical Therapy Given During Labor on the Process of Birth in Induced Primipara Pregnant Women
Objective: This study as a experimentals research, was planned to determine of effects of musical thearpy and labor education at first pregnancy with induction. Methods: The study has been carried out at the largest obstetrics and childhood diseases hospital that in the Anatolian coast of İstanbul from July 2005 to July 2006. There subjects included total of 80 pregnants, half of pregnants were control and remaining half were experimentals ones. Inclucion criterias of choosen pregnants; primipara, gestasionel age (37 week and ), succesfull pregnancy induction, to be voluenter for study. In this study, the test group receiving Rehavi music used a tape recorder and earphones to listen to the music, with 20 minute each hour; the control group did not listen to any music. The control group had the standard care during labor. Main Outcome Measures: Data was collected by surveys. In the study group; Survey 1 was applied descriptive characteristics of the pregnants, Survey 2 was applied their knowledge with labor, Survey 3 was applied their relations with music and Survey 6 was applied in order to evaluate their labors. Survey 4 and Survey 5 were applied in order to behavioural and physical reactions of pregnancy. In the control group we applied Survey1, Survey 2, Survey 3 (without 8 and 9 questions ) and Survey 4, Survey 5 and 6 (only 1 and 2 questions). Results: When we evaluated the contraction frequency and times, pupil dilatation, anxiete, crying/screaming and lip beating in the study, there was a statistical difference between the study groups and control groups (p<0,05). The results in this study showed that the education given to the pregnant were could be transformed into positive behaviors. When the events of pain management methods ( respectively breating exercises, muscle relaxation and ways of dreaming ) were compared there was a statistical difference between the pre-education and post-education values (p><0,05). Education and music decreased both sensation and distress of labor pain and delayed the distress of pain. Conclusions: At conclusion; to give education and to listen the Rehavi music during the labor primipara with induction was determined to be the positive effectives at labor. >