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A clinico-etiological study of spondylolisthesis in north Indian population
Objective: To study the clinico-etiological profile of spondylolisthesis in north Indian population. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study. Detailed clinical evaluation was carried out in all the cases. The complete neurosurgical examination was done. Patient’s age, sex, duration of symptom and type of symptoms were recorded in all the patients. After clinical examination, all the patients were subjected to plains X-ray lumbosacral spine anteroposterior, lateral, oblique and dynamic erect flexion and extension view, if necessary. Results: Out of the total 24 of spondylolisthesis patients, 62.5% were males and 37.5% were females. The most affected age groups was 50-59 years (37.5%). Backache was the most common symptom (95.8%) among the patients. Slip percentage, 10-15 was in 16.7% and equally distributed in other groups. Meryerding’s grade I was found in majority of patients (66.7%). Sacral rounding 11-20 and 21-30 was in 33.3% patients. Sacral inclination angle 41-50 was in 41.7%. However, Sacral horizontal angle 31-40 was in 45.8% patients. Lumbo sacral joint angle 10-14 was seen in 37.5% patients and Lumbar wedging/Lumber index 86- 90 was observed in 37.5 patients. Conclusion: This study describes varying clinical presentations of spondylolisthesis suggesting that different pain generators could be managed by different conservative approaches.