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Needle Stick Injuries Prevention by Implementing Proper Techniques and Educating Health Care Personnel


  • Dr.Shreenivas Shouri , Dr.Suchithra R Department of Hospital Administration, ACSR Government Medical College, Nellore, Andhra Pradesh.


Instead of various Health education programmes, HBV vaccine availability, good supply of personal protective equipment, Biomedical waste management rules in many hospitals and laboratories, needle stick injury precautions were not following. The aim of the study is to assess the needle stick injuries rate after implementation of proper techniques in hospital and educating health care personnel regarding needle stick injuries. Structured questionnaire gave to control and case group to answer in the month of may 2016 after educating them regarding needle stick injuries and implementing proper techniques to avoid needle stick injuries. After obtaining the answers to this questionnaire from studied health care personnel, all the results were analyzed. In this study 23% of PPE usage increased, 27% increased in knowing patient status about HBV, HCV, HIV, 77% increase in entering incident into register, 13% and 15% improvement in post exposure test and counseling respectively in case group. All Health care Personnel should follow the universal precautions related to the particular procedure. Education trainings should focus on rules of biomedical waste management, needle exchange program, no re-capping of needle guidelines to reduce needle stick injury exposure and transmission of blood borne viruses.

Article information


International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Invention

Volume (Issue)

4 (7)




How to Cite

Needle Stick Injuries Prevention by Implementing Proper Techniques and Educating Health Care Personnel. (2017). International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Invention, 4(7).



