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Morbidly Adherent Placenta-A Recently Emerging Menace
Introduction: Placenta accreta once a rare occurrence is now becoming anincreasingly common complication of pregnancy mainly due to increasing rate of caesarean deliveries. Aims and Objectives: To determine the incidence,causes. Risk factors of increasing rate of placenta accreta and to evaluate its outcome. Material and Methods:It is a prospective study of patients presenting to department of OBG,Govt. Medical College,Patiala between 1-2-2016 to 31-7-2017(one and half year study).All patients with morbid adherent placenta were included. Results:The incidence of placenta accreta in our study is 1 in 630,majority of which are associated with previous LSCS and placenta previa.Thus we identify that the major risk factors for placenta accreta are increasing order of prior caesarean deliveries and coexixting placenta previa. Conclusion:In our study with proper anticipation,analysis and antenatal assessment we made prenatal diagnosis of placenta accreta in majority of the cases,this provided us a golden opportunity to make a planned multidisciplinary team approach for its management to achieve minimal mortality and acceptable morbidity.Hence antenatal diagnosis of the condition gives us preparedness.