
Present study deals with Pharmacognostic Study of Root of Kantakari (Solanum xanthocarpum Serb. &Wende. Root Macroscopy: Size, Shape, Surface, Fracture, Organoleptic characters like Appearance, Color,Taste, Odour. Root microscopy Root powder macroscopy and microscopy. Physicochemical analysis Ashvalue, Acid insoluble Ash, pH, Specific gravity. Different Solvent Extraction, Alcohol (ethanol) andAqueous Extraction of Root of Kantakari (Solanum xanthocarpum Serb. & Wende). Preliminaryphytochemical screening of Aqueous and Alcoholic Extract for Carbohydrates, proteins, saponins, tannins,steroids, chlorides, irons etc. TLC Analysis of Alcohol (ethanol) and Aqueous Extraction of Root ofKantakari (Solanum xanthocarpum Serb. & Wende). Most of the phytochemical constituents are soluble inwater; thus preferred formulation of Kantakari should be of water base— like kwatha etc. TLC possess somecommon Rf values found in Ethanol, extract samples which represents similar compounds in both theextracts.


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