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A Literary Review Of Cosmetological Aspects Explained In Brihatrayee And Nighantus Of Ayurveda
The symbiosis between Cosmetology and Ayurveda is the most ancient one. There are many cosmetological aspects explained in Brihatrayee and other classical texts of Ayurveda. The best example can be enumerated as ayurvedic rejuvenation (rasayana) therapy in the field of cosmetology. There are a total of 45 drugs having varnya properties and 23 having varnaprasadana properties. The total number of kesya dravyas screened are 21 and tvachya drugs are 9 in number. Now-a-days cosmetology is a huge demanding subject in the era of modernization and beautification. Therefore, an effort is made to screen Brihatrayee along with all other available classical texts and recent related scientific articles to reveal the ancient wisdom regarding cosmetology in easy and lucid manner. The result of this tedious work is intended for both literary purpose and practical usage which will be beneficial for research scholars