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Assessment of Food Consumption among the Students of a Medical College in Costal Andhra Pradesh In Comparison To Balanced Diet


  • Mendhe H , N. Hanumanth , Amarnath M Assistant Professor (Community Medicine Department), Dr. Pinnamaneni Siddharth Institute of Medical Sciences and Reasearch Foundation, Chinnaoutapalli, Andhra Pradesh. E Mail: ,, Lecturer in Statistics, Dr. Pinnamaneni Siddharth Institute of Medical Sciences and Reasearch Foundation, Chinnaoutapalli, Andhra Pradesh. ,,, Professor (Community Medicine Department), Dr. Pinnamaneni Siddharth Institute of Medical Sciences and Reasearch Foundation, Chinnaoutapalli, Andhra Pradesh.


Introduction: The dietary pattern varies widely in different parts of the world. The present study was under taken with the objectives to find out BMI of the medical students, to know whether they belongs to reference Indian adult man or woman, to assess daily raw food intake of the medical students in comparison to balanced diet and to find out daily calories consumption. Methodology: It is a descriptive cross-sectional study with a sample size of 108 students. BMI was calculated and standard semi quantitative interviewer administered questionnaire was used to gather information regarding raw food consumption. Results: Mean BMI of male participants was 21.74 and for female participants was 22.91. About 2% of male and 12.5% of female students were obese. Only 19 respondents were in the category of reference Indian adult man or woman. Oil consumption amongst males was 49 gm as compared to 53 gm in case of female. Calorie intake per capita per day among male medical students was 2493 Calories and among female medical students was 2359 K Calories. Discussion: Obesity was 7.4% (1.9% of males and 12.5% of females). However, Abdalla and Mohamed in their study reported obesity to be 9%, this is somewhat higher from our study. Oil consumption among males is in excess by 9 gm, milk consumption was in deficient by 15 ml & fruit less than one per day in comparison with balanced diet. Among females cereal consumption was deficient by 102 gm. Calorie intake per capita per day among males was 2493 Calories and among females was 2359 K Calories which is more as compared to the National Sample Survey 68th round which was 2281 kcal in Andhra Pradesh. Conclusions: Consumption of cereals, vegetables and fruits among these students is less and Oil and Junk food consumption is more. Hence, Nutritional education must be given to all Medical students so that students can take sufficient amount of cereals, fruits and vegetables, and they may avoid junk foods

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International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Invention

Volume (Issue)

2 (1)




How to Cite

Assessment of Food Consumption among the Students of a Medical College in Costal Andhra Pradesh In Comparison To Balanced Diet. (2015). International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Invention, 2(1).



