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Health Risk Factors As a Predictor Student Learning Achievement Of Junior and Senior High School Urban and Rural Areas In Central Sulawesi Province
Background: Health issues greatly determine the quality of children in the future, health problems include general health, developmental disorders, behavioral disorders and learning disorders. This will generally hamper the achievement of achievement in school students. Health behavior problems in junior and senior high school (juvenile) children, health problems faced usually associated with risky behaviors such as smoking, fights between students, drug abuse (Narcotics, Psychotropic and other addictive substances), unwanted pregnancies, unsafe abortions, sexually transmitted infections including HIV/AIDS.
Objectives: to obtain a description of health risk factors and to analyze learning achievement in junior and senior high school students in Central Sulawesi Province.
Method: analytical research design with cross-sectional study approach. Samples were junior and senior high school students in urban and rural areas of Poso Regency, Central Sulawesi Province, with 11 schools with a total sample of 460 students. Sample selection technique is done by multistage random sampling method.
Results: Based on logistic regression equation analysis it is found that one's chance to have achievement decreases if students have drinking alcohol and consumes 96,8%. The result of logistic regression analysis between the habit of consuming alcoholic beverages with student achievement obtained by OR = 3.0 (95% CI 1,2-7,7). Show that students who do not have a habit of consuming alcoholic drinks have three times greater odds to have a good performance than students who have a habit of consuming alcoholic beverages. Similarly, the consumption of drugs obtained by OR = 2,7 (95% CI 1.0-21,6) means that students who do not consume drugs have Odds 2.7 times greater to have a good achievement than students who consume drugs, with the word other that the consumption of drugs can reduce learning achievement.
Conclusion: students who do not have a habit of drinking alcoholic beverages and drug consumption have a chance to have a good achievement than students who have these habits.