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A Clinical Study Of Amritadi Kashayaand Ardhamatrika Basti In The Management Ofvata-Raktaw.S.R. Gout.
Vatarakta is a disease where both Vata and Rakta have complex effects on joints. It starts from greater toe and then spreads to other joints of the body. On the basis of etiological factors, symptoms and chronicity it may be correlated with Gout. A randomized open clinical trial on 45 uncomplicated patients of Vatarakta was conducted. The patients were allotted in three groups, each having 15 patients. In Group A,Amritadi Kashayawas given orally with castor oil twice a day. In Group B patients were administered DashmulaKala Basti(enema)in which NiruhaBasti with DashmulaKwathaand AnuvasanaBasti with Mahanarayana Taila was done. In Group C, combination of both the therapies was given.Total duration of therapy was sixteen days in each group. Statistical analysis was done to assess the effect of therapy. Though all the three groups have shown statistically highly significant results on signs and symptoms of disease but on the basis of percentage relief, Group C was comparatively better than other two groups. Thus with the preliminary data of this work it can be said that Amritadi Kashaya and Ardhamatrika Bastiwhen used in combination can be a good alternative treatment modality in the patients suffering from Vatarakta.