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Morphological and morphometric study of jugular foramen in Telangana population
The anatomy of jugular foramen is complex. The jugular foramen (JF) lies between the occipital bone and the petrosal portion of the temporal bone, and it allows for the passage of important nervous and vascular elements, such as the glossopharyngeal vagus and accessory nerves, and the internal jugular vein. Glomic tumors, schwannomas, metastatic lesions and infiltrating inflammatory processes are associated with this foramen, which can account for injuries of related structures. The jugular foramen (JF) varies in shape and size from side to side in the same cranium, and in different crania, racial groups and sexes. Side dominance is also said to be common. The foramen’s irregular shape, its formation by two bones and the numerous nerves and venous channels that pass through it further compound its anatomy. An anatomical Study was undertaken in order to investigate the size and separation of jugular foramen in human adult skulls. A total of 110 human skulls were examined to determine the diameter, separation and side predominance of the foramen