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Posterior Capsular Rupture And IOL Surgery
Posterior capsule rupture (PCR) is a potentially sight-threatening complication in extracapsular cataract surgery. A prospective analysis of incidence, features and related factors is done starting from residency. 59 cases (3.2%) had posterior capsular rupture out of total 1828 patients during this eight years period (1991-98). 59 cases (3.2%) had PCR, 45 (2.5%) cases were accompanied by vitreous loss. Yearly incidenceswinged from 1.5% to 10%. Maximum PCR occurred during residency and during the course of irrigation and aspiration of cortex. Main factors implicated were learning curve, smaller incision, small pupil, and vitreous upthrust. 60% had best corrected visual acuity>6/12. Preoperative Mannitol, capsulorrhexis and secondary implantation helped favourably