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A Cross Sectional Study on the Knowledge of U.G., Intern, P.G. and Faculty Regarding Current Law and Guidelines of Sexual Assault Victim Examination
With the current scenario of various guideline and laws for sexual assault victim examination particularly after the CLA-2013, it is mandatory for the entire medical practitioner to know the updated laws to safe guard themselves. A cross-sectional study was done during a conference proceeding through a set of questionnaires to the participants (UG, PG, Intern, and Faculty) mainly targeting current guidelines and protocols for managing the sexual assault victim and response of health care provider to such cases. The result came out as mixed bag. There was clear discussion made after the pre-test followed by a post-test where almost all participants made the correct answer with proper understanding of the practical scenario. Such types of more interactive workshop are to be arranged in future to enlighten the medical practitioner for the current laws and guidelines so that there may not be any medico-legal problem.