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Evaluation of an audiovisual based health education programme on dengue fever among mid-adolescent school boys during an outbreak in Kolkata
Background: Kolkata has experienced several outbreaks of dengue fever in the past few decades but in the monsoon of 2012, city of Kolkata was reeling under its worst bout of dengue outbreak of recent times. Despite the scale of disease in Kolkata, documented evidence on KAP of the population is scarce, particularly among the most vulnerable mid adolescent boys. Methods: Cross sectional interventional (Health Education) study was conducted among 132 mid-adolescent school boys during September to October, 2012. Multiple choices Questionnaire was used to assess baseline KAP regarding dengue fever and reassessment of knowledge was done 3weeks after imparting Health education via audio-visual aids. Results: Majority of them had poor baseline knowledge (68.2%) while only 15.2% adopted the correct practices for dengue prevention. After imparting health education significant improvement was noted in the knowledge domain (mean-pre vs post=7.02 vs12.36; CI=4.85-5.91). Conclusion: The audio-visual based health education program had a positive effect in improving knowledge regarding dengue among the adolescent boys but further exploration is needed to see its impact on their practices and contribution towards generating community awareness.