
Preliminary phytochemical study of G. asiatica Linn. fruit showed water soluble extractive (19.2 %) more than alcohol soluble extractive (14.8 %). It also demonstrated pH, moisture content, total ash, water soluble ash, acid insoluble ash and sulphated ash 5.36, 32.93%, 5.25%, 2.10%, 2.80% and 6% respectively. Qualitative chemical examinations of methanol and aqueous fruit extracts of G. asiatica Linn. revealed the presence of Carbohydrates, Flavonoids,  Steroids,  Triterpenoids,  Glycosides,  Phenolics  and Tannins. Successive petroleum ether and chloroform extracts showed presence of steroids while successive ethanol extract showed presence of Carbohydrates, Flavonoids, Amino acids, Steroids, Glycosides, Phenolics and Tannins. Triterpenoids, alkaloids, amino acids and saponins are absent in all the extract.


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