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Rastreamento Da Hepatite A, B E C No Município De Bebedouro-SP. (Tracking Hepatitis A, B And C In The Municipality Ofbebedouro-SP.)
Infectious diseases are those that are transmitted by viruses, bacteria or parasites. Viral hepatitis are examples of this modality which have universal result and are still a major problem in public health. The aim of this study was to analyze the data of the diagnosis prevalence and treatment of Hepatitis A, B and C in the municipality of Bebedouro, SP and compare its incidence with other studies. The data used were obtained from a bibliographic survey and consultation with the Epidemiological Monitoring of Bebedouro- SP. Individual characteristics were assessed concerning age, gender, education and the prevalence of types of hepatitis for a period of five years, from January 2009 to December 2013. It is highly recommended to do preventive work and guidance of individuals.